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March 19th, 2018 03:00

Remove ViPR Controller Backups


I have been trying to find out how to remove ViPR Controller backups when the Delete button is not available to use.


I want to find out how to remove the manual backup i took in October shown at the top of the list. I am guessing that because i have also been playing around trying to get the backup exports working and the backups have been uploaded to the external server there is some method to doing this? But i cannot find a document or post on doing this.

So i thought i would post the question on here and see if anyone has thoughts on how to do this and how to remove a manual backup from both the Local and Remote backups.


46 Posts

March 19th, 2018 06:00


What browser/version are you using?  What permissions do you have for this user?  In my lab I can see a check box that allows to delete from the GUI:


The ViPR Controller 3.6 Product Documentation Index available here:

     EMC Community Network - DECN: ViPR Controller 3.6 Product Documentation Index

Contains the EMC ViPR Controller 3.6 CLI Reference Guide.  On page 482 of this guide you will find the delete-backup argument that you can use.

There is also a video and KB article with this information that covers backups that may be helpful:

     510098 : ViPR Controller: How to manually backup the ViPR Controller database using ViPR Controller CLI

This is from the above KB article:

In the event the maximum number of manually-created backup copies has been reached, they can be deleted through the GUI or through viprcli.


System > Data Backup and Restore > select unneeded backup(s) > Delete


1.  List the backup to confirm it was created.  The user should see the backup just created.:

     ./viprcli system list-backup

2.  Select a backup that can be deleted and use it in the following command:

     viprcli system delete-backup -name

Note:  You will need to authenticate before running cli commands(also in the above video/KB article):


1.  Change to the correct directory:

cd /opt/storageos/cli/bin

2.  Authenticate:

./viprcli authenticate -u root -d /tmp (you are prompted for the password)

Correct (you must see "Cookie saved successfully" before moving to the next step):

vipr1:/opt/storageos/cli/bin # ./viprcli authenticate -u root -d /tmp
Password :
root : Authenticated Successfully
/tmp/rootcookie10081 : Cookie saved successfully



1 Rookie


32 Posts

March 19th, 2018 07:00

I have used IE (v11), Chrome (v55) and Firefox (v50) and do not see any tick boxes to the left hand side as you have got in your screenshot. As for the user believe i have System Administrator  and Security Administrator permissions.

Thanks for the other info. I've been and removed a couple backups via CLI which seems easy enough.

Just a bit strange that not seeing any tick boxes in the GUI to select a backup and remove it from there. What version of ViPR have you got in your lab and what browser/version are you using? We are running

46 Posts

March 19th, 2018 09:00


According to the EMC ViPR Controller 3.6 Security Configuration Guide (located at the same link as above) it shows Security Administrator VDC roles are required for Data Backup and Restore.  Can you confirm if you have this setting? Security>VDC Role Assignments


I created a user but did not give SecAd and it looks like it reproduced the issue:



When I added Security Administrator(and logged back in) I was able to see the check boxes:



Also, for the browsers, the ViPR C Support Matrix located here:

EMC Community Network - DECN: ViPR Controller 3.6 Product Documentation Index

It shows the following supported browsers.  Looks like a couple of these may be different than what you are using.  There are also a couple of setting recommendations:

     Browser support The browser requirements for ViPR Controller are described below.

     Table 3 Web browsers supported for ViPR Controller

     Web browser Version Notes

          Google Chrome      59

          Internet Explorer      10, 11      Compatibility mode must be off.

          Mozilla Firefox      54                Enable cookies and pop-ups Disable all add-ons Enable JavaScript

My Chrome version is

     Version 64.0.3282.186 (Official Build) (64-bit)

My ViPR versions in the lab are:






1 Rookie


32 Posts

March 20th, 2018 02:00

Hi. I had seen that bit about you need to have Security Administrator permissions which i have. I have checked with our Windows team as it is all connected to Active Directory but i have been told i am a member of this group which does have both System Administrator and Security Administrator permissions.Capture1.JPG.jpg

Looking at the Browsers i can see that Chrome and Firefox are not supported which is fine, i'll get them upgraded but IE should work. Its IE11 and i have made sure compatibility mode is off.

I'll do some more playing around.

46 Posts

March 20th, 2018 11:00


I am now seeing the same behavior that you describe in Chrome and IE(I didn't check FF).  It may have had something to do with cache, but I will take this to engineering.  Thank you for pointing this out!


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