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June 23rd, 2016 01:00

Where are the GPS drivers for Latitude 12 Rugged (7202)?


Where can i found the GPS (u-blox) drivers for the Latitude 12 rugged Tablet (7202)?

I had to reinstall the whole system (Windows 8.1), because not much was working when i receive the tablet........(a lot of bug: rear APN and GPS don't work )

But I can not found the driver for the GPS. He is not on the site dell ????????

I try with the Latitude 12 extreme rugged GPS drivers, but it does not work :-(

I call the dell support, but nobody knows answer, and they do not know tell me what GPS chip is embedded in the tablet ????

11 Posts

October 25th, 2016 23:00

After some fiddling, these instructions from Dell Support were helpful:

Install u-center                                                                

1. Install e-Centre                                                            


2. After installation, navigate to the folder c:\Program Files                  

(x86)\u-blox\u-center_vX - where X is the version of u-Centre you              


3. Ensure that all these files are present:                                    










4. Open u-Center and configure the Main Talker ID to 1 - GP (GPS)              

under message view /UBX/CFG/NMEA.                                              

5. Save your configuration change under /UBX/CFG/CFG/                          

Remember: to save your configuration click on Send                              

6. Enter the system BIOS menu:    

Without Keyboard:                                                              

Power on the Latitude Tablet.                                                  

Press and hold the volume down button during startup until the BIOS            

page displays. (Before the system starts the Boot process)                      

With Keyboard:                                                                  

Power on the Latitude Tablet.                                                  

Tap the key during startup until the BIOS page appears. (Before            

the system starts the Boot process)                                            

7. Choose System Configuration/ Miscellaneous Device/ and enable the            

Dedicated GPS Radio.                                                            

Install the GPS Utility                                                        

The preferred utility is the GPSDirect software:                                

1. Download the file from the following                                                

2. Double click on the file and follow the onscreen instructions.              

3. Open the GPSDirect Software                                                  

4. Set the NMEA Source to COM3 and the Baud Rate to 9600.                      

5. Click on the Install button to create a sensor device.                      

Check the Sensor Driver is installed                                            

You should be able to see in Device Manager under Ports and Sensors a          

new entry for each. It will create a USB Serial Port (COM3) and a              

gpsdirect entry.                  

Test the device is now working.  

11 Posts

July 22nd, 2016 17:00

I cannot get the GPS to work either.  Please let us know if you find out anything!

11 Posts

September 22nd, 2016 17:00

Dell Latitude 12 Rugged Tablet (7202)

September 22nd, 2016 17:00

Which one do you have?

September 29th, 2016 14:00

I cannot get it work either and have run into the same support problems

4 Posts

October 16th, 2016 18:00

It is reportedly a U-Blox NEO M8 and I am fighting this chipset as well, although from a different front. My 7202 came loaded with Win7 (per my request) but it constantly bluescreened and locked up, so I reloaded it with Win10 approx 3 months ago.  I have no reported driver issues with the installed drivers  but the GPS unit doesn't work at all if there is no internet connection (I assume the tablet is then using windows location services instead). I can't get any 3rd party app to use/recognize the device. Microsoft Maps, GPS Satellite (from the App store), the location tool in the Dell Command utility. Nothing. The tablet runs fine otherwise and all Win10 drivers are listed on Dell's support site so I am assuming the operating system is "supported".

The manufacturers website has drivers for the NEO M8 listed here:[0]=property_file_product_filter%3A2688&f[1]=field_file_category%3A221

Wish me luck, I'm calling support tomorrow. Hopefully they can help me.

4 Posts

October 20th, 2016 15:00


I have NMEA data stream from COM2 on my Latitude 12. The steps I took were many and there was a lot of trial and error but a synopsis would be:

Flash to current BIOS and verify GPS module is enabled.

Uninstall virtual com port in Device Mgr, set the two sysstem COM ports to port 2 & 3 and restart.

Launch u-center and open COM2 @ 9600 baud.

Go outside and wait 5 minutes or so for a 3d fix.

Program 3rd party apps to use COM2, 9600 baud, data bits 8, stop bits 1, no parity, no flow control

This took a few weeks of tweaking to figure out because u-blox & Dell do not have this GPS module documented and provided a nice effort while basically pointing the finger at one another. They helped push me along but it was a pretty severe case of a process of elimination.

Good luck.

1 Message

June 25th, 2018 19:00

I got the U-Blox GPS Driver from the download page for the 7204, and it works fine on our 7202's


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