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7 Posts


August 25th, 2021 01:00

Venue 5830 Pro

I'm very fortunate to have purchased one of these robust machines as my ultraportable, complete with case and pen but I have an issue with the storage capacity.

I have installed a 128GB microSD card an shifted whatever I can to it but, with Win10 installed I am constantly seeing the C: drive as almost full.

Having moved "Documents" &co. to obviously helped but I've noticed that C:Program Files is filled with folders, such as "Internet Explorer", "Windows Mail" and "Windows NT" (and many others) which are duplicated in D:Program Files but I can't find a way of removing them, even after changing the Owner from TrustedInstaller to me or using any number of file deletion utilities.

Has anyone found a method to getting rid of these folders and relieving the pressure on the OS internal drive?


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