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June 28th, 2023 22:00

help with my password

i need help accessing my computer i forget the password and it wont let me do a password reset

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1.8K Posts

June 29th, 2023 10:00

If you mean a Windows account's username and password, there are solutions for that.

Reset Windows local user account

If you need access to the current Windows installation, such as to gain access to your files, it may be possible to reset or clear the login.

It is definitely possible to clear the Windows login for a local user account by booting from a Linux OS such as Ubuntu, downloading/installing a package and executing some command lines. I've done that via Xubuntu a few times, so I can give you more info. It can also be done via utilities such as Ophcrack.

Microsoft account

I haven't needed to do it for a Microsoft account, but it may also work. However, if you did use a Microsoft account, below the password entry you can click something like "I forgot my password" and follow the steps.

Clean install Windows

If that device doesn't have any files that you need, since you mentioned factory reset, then you could go another route. You could perform a clean install of Windows 10 to that device. 

Use Microsoft Media Creation Tool to create the installer on a flash drive, boot from that flash drive and begin the installation process.

I wrote a detailed description of how to install Windows 10 and 11. It may help you.

Here's another description of the install process, from a Microsoft MVP. 

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