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January 26th, 2016 07:00

7140 "No bootable devices found" after BIOS update

Just ran the BIOS update on my 7140 and my system will not boot.  When starting it up, it immediately presents "No bootable devices found" and some options to retry/setup/diag.  I did run the diagnostics and the "Hard Drive 0-0-0" line tests OK.

I'm guessing the Secure Boot is messed up.  Can anyone tell me what the default settings should be?  Is there a custom key and needs to be set?

January 26th, 2016 10:00

My tablet is running again; I'll share what I did in case others get hit by it.  I went into the BIOS and checked Secure Boot and it was enabled, though apparently it wasn't 'actually' enabled.  I disabled it and enabled Legacy Rom boot and restarted.  The machine went into recovery mode at which point I could have decrypted the whole drive (making secure boot not necessary) but I decided not to tread that path just yet.  (FYI - If you have registered your device with your Live account, your decryption key can be retrieved there.  I know people have privacy concerns about that but it could really help in a pinch like this.)

I closed out of that and went back into the BIOS setup.  I unchecked Legacy ROM and then switched Secure Boot back on.  Apply, Exit, Reboot.  Started back up and is working.  I do have several other concerns from the updates that came out yesterday, but I'll start new threads for those.

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