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This post is more than 5 years old


January 26th, 2011 08:00

What is the CPLD? What does it do?

I want to know what function the CPLD fulfills on my m610. Is this somehow a part of driver updating?


PC Magazine offers this definition:,,t=&i=40432,00.asp

(Complex PLD) A programmable logic device that is made up of several simple PLDs (SPLDs) with a programmable switching matrix in between the logic blocks. CPLDs typically use EEPROM, flash memory or SRAM to hold the logic design interconnections. See PLD and SPLD.

6 Posts

July 27th, 2011 13:00

What CMC version are you using?  It looks like 2.x.

July 27th, 2011 13:00

1.30, actually.  We are upgrading it tomorrow to 3.2, may have to upgrade BIOS, CLPD, and IDRAC on the M600's if they have problems with the new CMC version.

9 Posts

May 6th, 2015 03:00

Sorry for digging up this old post, but can someone give me clear description of what CPLD is?



3.8K Posts

November 11th, 2020 08:00

Hello Raj_Dxb,


In regard to CPLD it is summed up pretty well here:


It allows for changes to system board functions beyond what the BIOS does.


You can see if your system has a CPLD update from the support page :


Please let me know if you have any other questions.

5 Posts

November 11th, 2020 08:00

it means Complex Programable Logic Devise (CPLD) similar like BIOS chip but it as more enhanced features 

Any experts can explain more ?

Rajesh. DXB

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