
This post is more than 5 years old


November 14th, 2013 04:00

iDRAC 7 Enterprise password lost

Hello dear community :)

Here is my problem, we have a DELL PowerEdge T320 server and iDRAC has been installed by a collaborator and he changed the original login/password and didn't remember it.

Is there a possibility to reset the password and the login (because he changed it too...) to permit us to access to the server management?

iDRAC is on the server and I can access to the web page by the IP address (the only correct info that I have ...)

Thank you by advance :)




9.1K Posts

November 14th, 2013 06:00


In order to reset the password you would need to reset the Drac. In order to do that you would need to run a racadm racresetcfg command and it would restore the Drac to factory defaults. Therefor the user:pass would Root:Calvin. Now resetting the configuration would mean you would have to reconfigure the Dracs IP and configuration locally again.

As described on pg 97 - 


Let me know if this helps.

November 14th, 2013 07:00

Hello Chris,

Thank you for your response. I really appreciate ! 

When I run the command from the cmd on the server, I get this message :

C:\Users\Administrator>racadm racresetcfg

The RAC is unable to communicate with the BMC. This condition may
occur because of (1) no BMC is present, (2) missing or disfunctional
IPMI-related software components. Many RAC features depend on BMC
connectivity in order to work properly, and you may see failures
as a result.
ERROR: RACADM is unable to process the requested subcommand because there is no
local RAC configuration to communicate with.

Local RACADM subcommand execution requires the following:

1. A Remote Access Controller (RAC) must be present on the managed server
2. Appropriate managed node software must be installed and running on the

Can you help me with this? I'm sorry I don't installed it so I don't know really how it's working... 





9.1K Posts

November 14th, 2013 09:00

It looks like you don't have drac tools loaded. You will need to install OMSA on the server and reboot. Upon rebooting you will be able to run the command.

OMSA - http://www.dell.com/support/drivers/us/en/19/DriverDetails/Product/poweredge-t320?driverId=CWHRG&osCode=WS8R2&fileId=3267736217&languageCode=en&categoryId=SM

13 Posts

November 14th, 2013 18:00

Hi Arnaud,

You can reset the iDRAC password through iDRAC Settings option.Fo this you should have physical access to the server.

Reboot your server and press F2 button during POST to enter system setup. Here go to iDRAC settings and choose user configuration.

You can change your username and password here.




November 15th, 2013 00:00

Hello Sushmah and Chris,

If it's possible to do this I prefer, but it's sure that it's possible by doing this ?


Reboot your server and press F2 button during POST to enter system setup. Here go to iDRAC settings and choose user configuration.

You can change your username and password here."

Because it's in a customer office and I don't want to cut them the access to the server if it's not sure :) There are mails and files on this server so... I want to be sure before cut them, but the operation should not take more than 10-15min correct?



13 Posts

November 15th, 2013 06:00

Hi Arnaud,

   Yes Its possible! and it will not take more than 10- 15 mins!










October 27th, 2015 11:00


Are there any special instructions here if the server you're rebooting is hosting vSphere 5.0? I am in a similar situation. The Net admin before me did not leave any documentation.


October 28th, 2015 02:00

No there is no difference. Just press F2 for the BIOS or F10 for the LifeCycle controller.

LifeCycle Controller

1 Message

August 21st, 2018 17:00

"Reboot your server and press F2 button during POST to enter system setup. Here go to iDRAC settings and choose user configuration."


I've tried doing this and my credentials still failed.  I've also tried resetting the iDRAC to default settings.  I'm working on a Dell PowerEdge R610 at home.  Any other suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you!

February 28th, 2019 14:00

How did you get it, I mena the password recovery?

April 29th, 2019 10:00

a CUSTOMER WANTS TO REST THE iDRAC and revert the password back to secure default password. What option should they used, I need a COMMAND. 

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