2 Posts
Dell FX2 CMC shows I/O module is in Standalone mode
I have Virtual Cluster consisting 3 chassis of Dell FX2.
I faced that CMC Web console shows that I/O modules in Standalone mode and Standalone Role on one chassis of three (Onlly Main Chassis)
However, I've checked the stack configuration from the Command line interface for chassis switch.
The stacking is working and topology as it should be.
Any Ideas why it shows standalone in CMC?
Please see pictures below
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DELL-Chris H
9K Posts
June 13th, 2019 05:00
There are a few things required to set it to Full Switch, which are listed below. Would you confirm them for me?
Let me know what you see.
2 Posts
June 15th, 2019 02:00
Good day @DELL-Chris H
Thanks for your suggestion,
I think there is no need for IOA re-configuration to "Full Switch". We have 3 Dell FX2 Chassis connected in series. All FX2 IOA are connected and configured with a "Stacking mode".
Chasis A (Master), Chassis B (Standby), Chassis C (Member)
Chassis B, C CMC - IOA mode shows as "Stacking" which is correct
Chassis A CMC - IOA mode shows as "Standalone" which is not correct.
Please find Screenshots below
Thank for your help.