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November 20th, 2014 21:00

want to understand about source R2 invalid tracks and Target R2 invalid tracks

Hi All,

want to understand about source R1 invalid tracks and Target R2 invalid tracks it will be very help full if somebody explain this. I have attached the below output in txt for better reading.

When I started SRDF


      Source (R1) View                Target (R2) View    MODES --------------------------------    ------------------------ ----- ------------             ST                  LI      ST Standard      A                  N      A Logical      T  R1 Inv  R2 Inv  K      T  R1 Inv  R2 Inv      RDF Pair Device  Dev  E  Tracks  Tracks  S Dev  E  Tracks  Tracks MDAE  STATE -------------------------------- -- ------------------------ ----- ------------ N/A    244B RW      0  1054277 RW 028B NR      0  1054011 C.D.  SyncInProg N/A    2443 RW      0  1053378 RW 0293 NR      0  1053253 C.D.  SyncInProg N/A    243B RW      0  1053888 RW 02CB NR      0  506157 C.D.  SyncInProg N/A    2433 RW      0  1052837 RW 02D3 NR      0  1052658 C.D.  SyncInProg N/A    242B RW      0  1053013 RW 02DB NR      0  1052861 C.D.  SyncInProg N/A    2423 RW      0  1052743 RW 05CB NR      0  1052453 C.D.  SyncInProg

After some time


      Source (R1) View                Target (R2) View    MODES --------------------------------    ------------------------ ----- ------------             ST                  LI      ST Standard      A                  N      A Logical      T  R1 Inv  R2 Inv  K      T  R1 Inv  R2 Inv      RDF Pair Device  Dev  E  Tracks  Tracks  S Dev  E  Tracks  Tracks MDAE  STATE -------------------------------- -- ------------------------ ----- ------------ N/A    244B RW      0      11 RW 028B NR      0        0 C.D.  SyncInProg N/A    2443 RW      0      27 RW 0293 NR      0        0 C.D.  SyncInProg N/A    243B RW      0      22 RW 02CB NR      0        0 C.D.  SyncInProg N/A    2433 RW      0      34 RW 02D3 NR      0        0 C.D.  SyncInProg N/A    242B RW      0      12 RW 02DB NR      0        0 C.D.  SyncInProg N/A    2423 RW      0      18 RW 05CB NR      0        0 C.D.  SyncInProg

1 Attachment

32 Posts

December 9th, 2014 22:00

Well Invalid tracks and tracks which exists in your R1 device waiting to be updated in R2 device.

For example you have dev A as your R1 Device and Dev B as your R2 dev. You updated the R1 device with writes. Now these extra writes are the Invalid tracks present in your R1 that is they exist in your R1 device but not your R2 dev. This is a way enginuity knows which tracks to send to the R2 device. They only replicate the Invalid tracks from R1 to R2 so both the Devices are in sync.

51 Posts

November 21st, 2014 06:00


As I see you use Adaptive copy Disk mode, but why the state of your R2 deivces is NR (not ready), they should be set to write disabel (WD state), could you please check that. For me it looks like your R2 devices have not ready (please check if they are bound to a pool, or may be someone set this status manually), and R1 VMax sends tracks to R2, and due to R2 side cannot write tracks to device R1 keeps them as invalid tracks. Then your R2 Vmax tries to save them on device as well and due to they have a status like NR, keeps them in the cache. After few times (it depends from a skew value, cause you use AC disk mode) the SDDF matrix is flushed and all invalid tracks are gone due to:

1) R1 device was completely rewritten

2) After exceeding skew value VMax starts to fill up it again, but can't due to R2 is NR.

Please first check the status on R2 site (are they really bound to pool?)


10 Posts

November 23rd, 2014 23:00

Hi EvgenyM,

Thanks for your reply. In my case we are using DMX-3 with 5773.all are thick luns and our target luns were not mapped/masked and while we select the luns it was already in not ready state ,so we haven't changed that .I want to know whether it is mandatory that R2 devices to be in WD state ,but we have completed this SRDF with out any issue.

But really want to know that how the invalid tracks scenario working while doing SRDF from R1-->R2 ,I think it is something related to the mirror positions but don't have the exact idea but want to know how this mapping happening and further changes in different stages of SRDF.


51 Posts

November 24th, 2014 00:00


When I worked with DMX on my R2 side the volumes have a status WD as well. I don't think so about mirror position. If it is possible, please provide the output for any R1 and R2 mirror like that:

symdev -sid XXX show DEV_ID_R1 and 

symdev -sid XXY show DEV_ID_R2

Thank you!

51 Posts

November 24th, 2014 01:00


As I remember you said about the same configuration for other pairs, is it possible for you to send me the output for that pair by command below. Sometimes it is difficult to analyse something without proper evidances.

Thank you!

10 Posts

November 24th, 2014 01:00

Hi EvgenyM,

I have done this SRDF to migrate one host to another storage due to storage space crunch. So after successful migration I have deleted the pair ,so I don't think it is use full if I provided the outputs of below commands .Any way I will be very thankful to reply my query.


10 Posts

November 24th, 2014 01:00


Sorry to say I have already deleted the pair. So no information can retrieve now. But I have attached txt on my query there a column invalid tracks. In that output one is when I started SRDF and another is after sometime of SRDF running ,and there is a change in a invalid tracks also .Can you put some light on this. Please explain the column invalid tracks.R1 and R2 invalid tracks in Source and  R1 and R2 invalid tracks on Target.


51 Posts

November 24th, 2014 04:00

Maybe I was not so clear, I meant the pair with same configuration which you use now, as you said before, this is typical configuration for SRDF

32 Posts

December 11th, 2014 21:00

Yes, thanks for the rectification. I editted it in my previous post.

10 Posts

December 11th, 2014 21:00

Hi Neel

Thanks for the more detailed reply. Is there any typo in this line " Now these extra writes are the Invalid tracks present in your R2 that is they exist in your R1 device but not your R2 dev"

Can I read like this "Now these extra writes are the Invalid tracks present in your R1 that is they exist in your R1 device but not your R2 dev"

Please correct me if I am wrong


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