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March 12th, 2008 18:00

symdev show and powermt display dev=

root [/root] symdev -sid xxx show 0DF9

Device Physical Name : Not Visible

Front Director Paths (2):
--------- ---------- ---- -------- ---------
PdevName Type Type Num Sts VBUS TID SYMM Host
Not Visible N/A FA 07B:1 RW 000 0D 001 N/A
Not Visible N/A FA 10B:1 RW 000 0D 001 N/A

:root [/root] powermt display dev=c104t9d0
Symmetrix ID=xxxxxxxxxxx
Logical device ID=0BA8
state=alive; policy=SymmOpt; priority=0; queued-IOs=0
---------------- Host --------------- - Stor - -- I/O Path - -- Stats ---
### HW Path I/O Paths Interf. Mode State Q-IOs Errors
104 1/0/8/0/ c104t9d0 FA 7aB active alive 0 0
106 0/0/8/0/ c106t9d0 FA 10aB active alive 0 0

I am trying these two commands in multiple LUNs and i see that symdev reports invisible. But powermt display prove that device is visible.

Is this normal? On another when tried the masked device showing visible by symdev command.

117 Posts

March 12th, 2008 18:00

Have you tried symcfg discover before running symdev?

131 Posts

March 20th, 2008 06:00

You're not looking at the same devices:

Symdev show is for FA 7bB & 10bB (or 7b:1 and 10b:1 if you prefer)

Powermt display is for 7aB & 10aB (ot 7a:1 and 10a:1)

Anyway - as suggested also perform a "symcfg discover" to re-discover the Symm & the host's visible paths. Symdev show works from a cached copy of the bin in /var/symapi/db, which will be wrong if you've just masked new devices.


1 Message

March 20th, 2008 06:00

Dont`t be misled by the Physical device name - this will always be seen as `not visible` if a name has not been assigned to the device. This is irrespective of your masking i.e it will be in this state even after your masking has been updated.

2 Intern


1.3K Posts

March 20th, 2008 07:00

here is the right one. I interchanged th LUNs when selcted to post here. Symcfg did the result to me.

Front Director Paths (2):
--------- ---------- ---- -------- ---------
PdevName Type Type Num Sts VBUS TID SYMM Host
/dev/rdsk/c104t9d0 PARENT FA 07A:1 RW 000 09 000 000
/dev/rdsk/c106t9d0 CHILD FA 10A:1 RW 000 09 000 000
No Events found!
