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August 6th, 2015 12:00

How to delete TDEVs from symclone that aren't associated to a group

Hello.  Hopefully someone can walk me through what I hope is a simple answer.   I have the following defined in symclone:

symclone -vse list

Symmetrix ID: 000195702631

      Source Device           Target Device         Status
------------------------- ---------------------- -------------
Sym             Tracks    Sym               CGDP SRC <=> TGT
------------------------- ---------------------- -------------
1559              1046755 1554              V... CopyOnWrite

I have tried just about everything, but I cannot seem to remove this entry.  Any suggestions would be greatly helpful.

1 Rookie


20.4K Posts

August 6th, 2015 14:00

can you add them to a device file and terminate ?

August 6th, 2015 17:00

No. I have tried that also. I did open a support ticket with EMC.

Sent from my iPhone

August 7th, 2015 06:00

Awesome! That worked. Thanks!

419 Posts

August 7th, 2015 06:00

Mr Kejames2,

Dynamox is correct as usual, using a device file you should be able to terminate these pairs.

Create the file as below


1559 1554

symclone -sid 632 -f devices.txt terminate -nop

if this didn't work what error message did you get?, you can also try -force and -symforce.  If the devices are not metahead and meta member you may need to identify the meta head of source and target and retry the command with -force and -symforce.  This should work otherwise PSE will need to connect to the frame and manually terminate the sessions with inlines.

August 7th, 2015 07:00

Thanks to both Dynamox and Paul Martin.  I swear I tried the first method to create the file and terminate, but I must have done something wrong.  I followed Paul's instructions and it took.  Thanks to you both, much appreciated.  

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