1 Rookie
1 Message
August 29th, 2021 06:00
how to delete dell supportassist from my laptop
this program called dell support assist is horrible and has damaged me several time and wasted my time.
how to fully delete this from computer? i don't want to see it any more, i want it to stop scanning my computer, and i don't want any remnants of dell programs on my computer.
please advise.
thank you
5 Practitioner
5 Practitioner
2.4K Posts
August 29th, 2021 22:00
1 Use Microsoft's Installer :
This step is crucial as Microsoft's uninstaller disables the services as well. Choose SupportAssist and uninstall, Uninstall Dell updates by running the the uninstaller again. If Support Assist doesn't show in List ignore this step.
Reboot (important)
C:/ Program Data/ PCDR
C:/ Program Data/Supportassist
C:/ Program Data/Dell/Dell data volt
C:/ Program Files/ Dell/Supportassist
C:/ Program Files/ Dell/ Dell data Volt
C:/ windows/Temp (everything inside the folder
Remove these Registries
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services key.
Delete Dell hardware service, Delete Dell client management service, Delete Dell updates.
5 Practitioner
5 Practitioner
2.4K Posts
September 12th, 2021 07:00
Please do not use PM.
Please reply here in case of any questions.