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September 2nd, 2021 13:00

G15 5511, SA using all my RAM



My laptop (G15 5511) was slow. So i look in task manager and the SA (SupportAssist) app below was using all my RAM and a lot of CPU:

C:\Program Files\Dell\SupportAssistAgent\PCD\SupportAssist\pcdrmemory2.p5x

This is the second time i got that. can you say me how to avoid this? First time i get it was 02 august. And i got it tonight 02 september. Maybe it is a schedule task?

Second time was 02 septemberSecond time was 02 septemberfirst time i got it was 02 august

5 Practitioner


2.4K Posts

March 25th, 2024 13:41

Everyone having this issue 

I can confirm uninstalling and reinstalling fixes it

Community Manager


2.4K Posts

March 27th, 2024 16:16

Hi all,

Please follow the steps on the video to perform a clean reinstallation, and let us know if this resolves the issue for you.

I'm still awaiting an update from the team regarding the reason for this issue. However, for users who contacted support and followed the process to uninstall and reinstall, it seems to have fixed the issue.

5 Practitioner


2.4K Posts

September 2nd, 2021 13:00

SupportAssist is scheduled to run Hardware scan automatically in background. 

These tests include memory Test as well. 

The taskbar screen shot you have shared indicate that SupportAssist is doing a memory test.  Out of all the tests it does, Memory and Hard drive Takes most time. 


Open Support Assist >  Settings (top right side gear) > Schedule Scan

Either turn it off or set a site when machine is not being used by you. 




September 2nd, 2021 14:00

Thanks I found the schedule

Is there a way to prevent this when i'm using my pc (especially when gaming or watching a movie) ?

5 Practitioner


2.4K Posts

September 2nd, 2021 15:00

Stop scheduled scans completely  Uncheck the box I have highlighted in my snapshot 

Now it wont to automated scan at all. 

I run them myself once in a month by clicking Run All on SupportAssist home screen 


September 3rd, 2021 12:00

I will do the same.


1 Message

January 23rd, 2024 21:01

@XPS_Man​ using all ram doesnt sound like background...

1 Message

January 24th, 2024 21:38

My fix: uninstall support assist, DO NOT install ever again, or if badly needed, uninstall immediately after use. Caused more damage than help.

5 Practitioner


2.4K Posts

March 3rd, 2024 15:56

@Smuis​ This happens when it's doing memory diagnostics. 

It puts RAM under stress and that's when memory usage reaches almost 100% 

Anyways, stop scheduled scans, thats an option in settings now. 

1 Message

March 12th, 2024 20:27

This is not memory diagnostics. This is the textbook definition of a badly written, memory leaking app written by underpaid devs.

1 Rookie


2 Posts

March 14th, 2024 08:41

I had the same problem, I just uninstalled every Dell thing and I'm back to a usable laptop.

I used to think Dell and HP were the only Laptop manufacturers without so much crippling  and bad support. I now know I was wrong about Dell, not sure about HP.

FIX YOUR  manufacturers!


1 Message

March 14th, 2024 12:20

Same problem. I'm already a heavy RAM user, so suddenly having my 16GB machine brought to a crawl due to 'scheduled memory scans' is very noticeable - and unacceptable. Have now uninstalled SA completely.

What an absurd solution to be implemented by default. I dread to think what the impact is for someone with 8GB or less. 

March 14th, 2024 14:13

Same problem also here, the "SupportAssistAgent" process is taking 22gb of ram out of 32gb, I have the laptop powered on for about the 5 hour but the scan did not complete, the situation is the same also after the restart of the PC.

Is really the scan taking so much resources and time? Or it is another problem? *coff* memory leak *coff*.

The only thing sure about this situation is that I cannot use the laptop even for simple operations.

1 Message

March 14th, 2024 18:08

SupportAssist, which used to be fine, has now started to consume 98% Memory and nearly the same CPU, causing everything else to crash. How ironic.

Killing the process in task manager allowed me to open a browser (I couldn't before, because there was not enough memory) so I can log this complaint. <Profanity is never allowed on our Forum. DELL-Admin> guys?


1 Message

March 15th, 2024 16:03

So what am I supposed to do when I can't even get to settings? Your support assist tool just sits there spinning saying it's preparing my pc.

And this has been going on for 2 days straight now. I'm sorry but if you think this is what diagnostics means you have no clue what you're doing.

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