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1 Rookie


3 Posts


June 13th, 2024 05:53

Password Yenileme

MX7000 de kullanıcı oturum açma passwordunu resetlemek istiyorum. 



2.7K Posts

June 13th, 2024 10:15


AŞağıdaki şu adımları uygulayarak şifrenizi kurtarabilirsiniz. Sizin için kullanıcı klavuzundan aldığım kısmı ekliyorum.


Recovering passwords
You must have physical access to the chassis to reset the login credentials to defaults.

 Logging in to OME-Modular
Recovering passwords in single OME-Modular controller
1. From the chassis, remove the single OME–Modular controller.
2. Locate the Jumper, see the board location—P57 RESET PASSWORD, and then insert the Jumper.
3. Reinsert the controller into the chassis.
4. When OME–Modular is available, login with the user name as "root" and password as "calvin".
5. After the root user authentication, change the password for the root user on the Application Settings > Users page.
6. Log out and log in again using the modified password to ensure that the login is successful.
7. Remove the jumper and reinsert it into the default positions—2 and 3.
Recovering passwords in dual OME-Modular controllers
1. From the chassis, remove both the OME-Modular controllers.
2. On one of the modules, locate the Jumper, see the board location—P57 RESET PASSWORD, and then insert the Jumper.
3. Reinsert only the controller, where the Jumper is installed, into the chassis.
4. When OME–Modular is available, login with the user name as "root" and password as "calvin".
5. After the root user authentication, modify the password for the root user on the Application Settings > Users page.
6. Remove the controller where the Jumper is inserted, locate the Jumper.
7. Set the Jumper to the default position and insert the controller back into the chassis.
8. When OME-Modular is available, login with the modified password.
9. Insert the second controller to restore the MM redundancy.


Umarım bu yardımcı olur!

1 Rookie


3 Posts

June 13th, 2024 13:19

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