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This post is more than 5 years old



September 22nd, 2016 08:00

SSD shows in BIOS but not in Windows 10

Had to reinstall Windows 10 on my XPS 8700 desktop.  After installation, my SSD 32GB cache drive shows in BIOS but not in Windows. I have installed the Intel Rapid Storage drivers from the Dell site for my computer but it's reporting that the SSD is "incompatible" because when I try to install the drivers for the (OnLite) SSD, I also get an incompatible drive error (in Windows).  Device Manager and Disk Management in Windows do not show the SSD drive.  In BIOS, it shows as MSATA.  I've read somewhere that the drive type in BIOS should be RAID and not AHCI, but I don't want to change that because it says my system could become unusable.  Can someone who KNOWS how to do this please advise asap?  I can provide more info if necessary.

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87.5K Posts

September 22nd, 2016 16:00

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