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May 18th, 2006 19:00

New hard drive installed as "E" drive - problem with program that is looking for "C" drive

​ ​​My hard drive crashed about a year ago. Dell sent me a new one because I was covered under warranty, which was great. ​​ ​
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​ ​​Once I received the new one, a technician came to my house, installed it in less than 10 minutes and *bingo* I was up & running again..... but, he mistakenly put my hard drive in the "E" drive instead of the "C" drive. I checked with Dell and they told me that it would work fine; but, I have had 2 different problems with new software.​​ ​
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​ ​​I just installed a new software and when I tried to activate it, an error message states that it is unable to locate "C" drive even though I have installed it in the "E" drive, which is all that I have.​​ ​
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​ ​​Anyone with ideas, please share them with me.... thanks, in advance.... Hilda​​ ​

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

May 18th, 2006 20:00

Unfortunately, to fix this you'll need to reformat and reinstall Windows from scratch. Be sure there is only one drive in the system when you do and that it's the primary master (or SATA0 if SATA).

10 Elder


46K Posts

May 18th, 2006 20:00

If you wish to change the primary "Boot" E: / drive, to the C: / drive, then you will have to reinstall XP.

2 Posts

May 22nd, 2006 17:00

Thanks for the reply.  By reinstalling XP, all of my data & programs will be lost, I presume... darn, I can't believe that this happened.

Thanks again.

10 Elder


46K Posts

May 22nd, 2006 18:00

The data can be backup to other media, ie CDs, DVDs or a external hard drive, but the programs will have to be reinstalled.
I know that this won't be much of a consolation, but you are not the first computer user, to make this mistake.

Message Edited by shesagordie on 05-22-200603:03 PM

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