
5 Posts


January 10th, 2022 08:00

Unable to generate access key. Account is not Enterprise Business Account.


I am unable to connect my Secure Connect Gateway to my Dell account.

After installing Secure Connect Gateway i am stuck the second step : Authentication

I need the an Access key and a PIN. The wizards explains: 

Enter the Access Key and PIN that you received when you downloaded this installer. If you need a new or replacement key, visit https://www.dell.com/SCG-App

If i go to the page, click Generate Access key and log in with my account, i get stuck at with the error below.


2022-01-10 17_34_49-Remote Desktop Manager [Zentura_DSCG01 (Dell Secure Connect Gateway)].png

At the link for Administrative Support, i have no option to raise an Account Access issue.

Any idea where to go from here?



9.1K Posts

January 10th, 2022 13:00



You would need to create a business account, which would be based on the version you have. If virtual you would want to follow these steps here, if you're using the applicance version it would be found here


Let me know if this helps.



5 Posts

January 12th, 2022 04:00

Hi Chris,

Thank you for your reply.

I created a new account as the article described, but had no luck getting any further.

I used the following link, since im using the Application Edition.

Business account for Secure Connect Gateway - Application Edition

At the end of step 3, it says: A verification email is sent to your email address.

I never had a verification email send to me, and therefore can't verify my email as described in step 4.

If i skip to step 5, none of the options in step 5 are available/displayed.

  • If you have verified your email address, you are prompted to select your relationship with Dell Technologies.
  • If you have not verified your email address, a one-time password is sent to your email address and you are prompted to verify your account.



278 Posts

January 12th, 2022 05:00

Hello zenturaas,


I am sorry you faced with this issue. Did you previously registered on Dell part of the support site (when you open  https://dell.to/3rewZTQ you are already logged)? If yes, could you please check follow steps:


- Log out from support site

- Clear your cache and browser history.

- Open https://dell.to/3rewZTQ and not to log in again.

- Scroll down, click on "MyService360"

- It should ask you to login, enter your email address and password.

- Complete the registration process.


Please let us know, if you have any questions.

5 Posts

January 13th, 2022 07:00

Hi Maria,


Unfortunatly the steps did not solve the issue.

If i log out of the support page, clear browser cache and history, access the link given, click MYService365, log back in - i am simpy logged back in.

My account has a yellow/orange checkmark, which from my understanding, means that im not currently logged in to an Enterprise Business account.




9.1K Posts

January 13th, 2022 09:00



Just to confirm, when you are on the page here, are you following the steps to Create or Upgrade to the Business account? The reason I am asking is that you already have a https://dell.to/3GsAOeH account, which would mean you need to upgrade to business, not create a new. 


Let me know.



5 Posts

January 14th, 2022 06:00

Hi Chris,

Neither creating a new account or following the steps to upgrade, resulted in me getting any further.

If i follow the step to upgrade:

  1. Sign in to https://www.dell.com/SCG-App.

    • If you have verified your email address, you are prompted to select your relationship with Dell Technologies.
    • If you have not verified your email address, a one-time password is sent to your email address and you are prompted to verify your account.

After logging in, the page below is presented to me. None of the options above is presented.



If i simply click the Generate Access Key link, i'm presented with the message below.




None of the options in Administrative Support link, has anything to do with account issue.




5 Posts

January 14th, 2022 06:00

Furthermore if i go to the Product Support page (https://www.dell.com/support/home/en-us/?app=products)

And click MyService360 link, i will get an error page :

403 Forbidden


You don't have permission to access this resource.






9.1K Posts

January 14th, 2022 07:00

I was able to locate this.


EMC want to make sure that this link is shared with people who are trying to register for a Business Account: https://www.dell.com/support/preferences/userregistration

If you encounter any issues during this registration process, please contact support@emc.com

So try that link, and then if that also fails then I would reach out to them, as that that email goes to the e-services team that manages the accounts.

Let me know how it goes.

2 Posts

January 20th, 2022 01:00

I had the same problem for 4 account.. the registration process has serious problem. To solve it I had to contact dell by email. in one case the resolution takes 1 month.. it's unbeliveable.. 

1 Message

July 18th, 2022 13:00

Curious if anyone has had luck getting an Access Key and PIN?  Here it is July and I am having this issue with the same suggested fix, create a new account.  I'm not willing to do that at the moment and feel like there should be a resolution to this other than me creating x number of accounts before it finally works.  My current "Business" account works for everything else, why not this!?
