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March 5th, 2024 02:58

device delete 'collection is in progress'

Delete is disabled because the device is not released from the 'collection is in progress' state

There is no separate work in the WEB UI, so will it be resolved if I complete the SNMP configuration?

Or is there a way to delete it from the SCG VM to the CLI?



3.2K Posts

March 5th, 2024 14:20

I understand you're facing an issue deleting a device in Secure Connect Gateway (SCG) due to its "collection in progress" state. Here's how to approach this:

1. Understand the "Collection in Progress" State:

In SCG, the "collection in progress" state usually indicates the device is undergoing an inventory process where it gathers information about itself and its configuration. This process is crucial for SCG to manage the device effectively. Deleting the device while it's in this state could disrupt the process and lead to inconsistent or incomplete information.

2. Avoid CLI Deletion:

Modifying configurations through the SCG VM's CLI is not recommended in this case. It can lead to unexpected behavior or data loss, especially if done without proper understanding of the commands and their implications.

3. Complete the SNMP Configuration (if applicable):

If the device requires Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) for complete inventory, finishing the SNMP configuration might trigger the completion of the "collection in progress" state. However, consult the SCG documentation or support to confirm if this is the case for your specific scenario.

4. Check for Pending Tasks:

Sometimes, other pending tasks related to the device, such as firmware updates or policy deployments, can hold up the collection process. Review the device details in the SCG interface to see if there are any outstanding tasks that need to be addressed. Completing or canceling these tasks, if applicable, might resolve the issue.

5. Wait for Completion:

If there are no pending tasks and SNMP configuration is not necessary, the device should automatically transition out of the "collection in progress" state once the inventory process finishes. The timeframe for this process can vary depending on the complexity of the device and the amount of information being collected.

6. Consult SCG Documentation and Support:

For specific guidance and troubleshooting steps related to your SCG version and device type, refer to the official SCG documentation or reach out to Dell SCG support. They can provide the most accurate and up-to-date information on how to resolve the "collection in progress" state and successfully delete the device.

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