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June 25th, 2009 07:00

Replistor Icon Image

My specification are displayed with a tilted line and the folder is dark orange. I understand the tilted means it's not syn'ed, but why is the folder a darker orange. I noticed this most after I send a delete data directory. I can't find reference to the dark color folder icon so I wanted to get an reason.


151 Posts

June 25th, 2009 07:00

When the folder is the normal yellow'ish color, it means the data is in Sync.
When the folder is red, it means the data is out of Sync. This is also RepliStor telling you the data on the Target may not be the same as the Source and a Sync is required.

A DeleteDataDir command stops Mirroring for a short period of time (seconds). If there was I/O occurring during that time, RepliStor did not know about it. Therefore, the Spec will turn the red color, requiring a Sync.

Moving forward, in RepliStor 6.4.x, being released later this summer, the GUI has been upgraded and data that is not in Sync is much more evident.

78 Posts

June 25th, 2009 07:00

Awesome, thanks!

125 Posts

June 26th, 2009 08:00

i also find that compare to symantec replication exec, it's not simple and straight-forward, hope the new version will change a lot.

106 Posts

September 2nd, 2009 14:00

In version 6.4, the GUI will actually output text that says the specification is in-sync or needs to be synched. It should make it much more clear.
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