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This post is more than 5 years old



October 27th, 2015 04:00

Replication Manager - Job Schedule did not start


Last nights Job Schedule for 4 Application sets did not start @ 20:00

Any idea what I need to check to find out what is wrong ?



October 27th, 2015 13:00

RM uses windows scheduler on the RM Server...any issues there?

Any pw changes that may have affected the jobs?

Can you schedule a dummy task in windows scheduler to see if that gets kicked off?

Are all of your scheduled jobs not working?

17 Posts

October 27th, 2015 21:00

Hi Lee,

I would double-check the task scheduler task properties to see if the command generated by RM using RMCLI has an epassword value that includes a space or tab.  This is a known issue observed after upgrading RM, and the resolution is to go into the RM Console, select the user in question and select properties, then re-enter the password of the user.  This will update all related scheduled tasks for that RM user and the epassword will then likely be correct and without spaces/tabs.

If that is not the issue, please see the following troubleshooting flowchart:

Best Regards,


14 Posts

October 28th, 2015 08:00


Thanks for your expert advise

I restarted the 'Replication Manager Server' on services and the scheduled jobs started as expected.

Best Regards,


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