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February 6th, 2012 01:00

Autostart 5.4 SP1 AutoStart Console has a Timezone Problem on a remote PC ?


We have installed a Autostart Console on a remote PC. The time zone is set exactly as in the cluster. The remote PC displays the AutoStart Console Event Log 6 hours in the past. The AutoStart Consoles on the Cluster PC's shows the correct time.

How can this be fixed?

262 Posts

February 6th, 2012 03:00


I reported this bug in the past.

However, this is a problem of AutoStart5.3SP2 on Windows2008.

Windows 2008 R2  is no problem.

You try it.


To work around the symptom, the Time Zone offset may be specified in the command line argument to launch the AutoStart console.  Right-click on the AutoStart console shortcut and select Properties to update the Target field with:

Default Value:

"C:\Program Files\EMC\AutoStart\Console54\Jre\bin\javaw.exe" -cp ..\config;console.jar gui/MainClass

New Value:

"C:\Program Files\EMC\AutoStart\Console54\Jre\bin\javaw.exe" -Duser.timezone=GMT[+-delta] -cp ..\config;console.jar gui/MainClass

Where [+-delta] is the offset from GMT of the time zone desired.

262 Posts

February 6th, 2012 01:00


In my environment this Symptom has not occurred.


Server:Windows2008 R2 SP1

Client:Windows2008 R2 SP1

I think that the time of a client machine has shifted for 6 hours.

I think that the event time of the console is set by the system clock of the local machine.

Please synchronized with the time of the server.

7 Posts

February 6th, 2012 02:00


thanks you for your prompt response.

The cluster servers runs on windows 2008 R2, the RemotePC (client) under Windows 2008 SP2. The client clock is synchronized via ntp with the cluster. The time zones are the same on client and cluster.

262 Posts

February 6th, 2012 17:00


I executed retest in environment same as you.

However, I could not reproduce.


Windows2008 R2 SP1 ---Server

Windows 2008 SP2 ---Client


Therefore, it is not a bug of AutoStart.

I think that your environment will have a problem.

63 Posts

February 8th, 2012 09:00

Is the Remote PC console being accessed via a remote management application?  Does the time zone shift reflect the time zone from the desktop running the remote management application to access the Remote PC console?

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