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November 19th, 2020 08:00

RecoverPoint 5.1 SP4

I try to install and configure vRPA 5.1 SP4 (RecoverPoint SE)

I use 5.1 SP4 OVA file to deploy 2 vRPA in a vSphere environment.

When I use Deploy Manager to configure my vRPA cluster, I cannot validate credentials for user boxmgmt (password boxmgmt) in step 6. Ssh connection on each appliance with this user and password works.

Same result with 5.1 SP3 OVA file

I try to use 5.1 SP2 OVA file to deploy my appliances. Deploy Manager works and validate credentials for user boxmgmt in step 6. I continue the configuration process to step 13 "Upgrade and Apply configuration results".

Update of my vRPA with iso 5.1 SP4 fails after about 30 minutes with "RPA failed to come up" message. When i click on retry button, I have this new message : "Connection failed. Verify the RPA is reachable, make sure the login credentials are correct, check user status and try again".

Ssh connection on each appliance with boxmgmt / boxmgmt works.

Has anyone encountered this issue ? And solve it ?


Thank's in advance for your reply

5 Posts

November 19th, 2020 23:00

SSL handshake issue.


I installed Java 1.8 32 bits and modified option -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.7 to 1.8 in DM ini file.


It works.

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