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1 Rookie


5 Posts


March 14th, 2024 20:22

Server (previously functional, started to freeze) now does not see hard drive, does not boot.

The HD is in its bay, the indicator lamb is on. The RAID controller does not see any physical or virtual disk (counts are 0). Diagnostic test throws out: error code 2000-0141. Validation code: 101388. Somehow, after freezing for 2-3 times, the device now does not see the HD at all. And I cannot boot (I even agree to re-install OS from scratch), but how w/o a detected HD? What shall I do?  

History: My first experience with servers, and I am not a professional. I have a PowerEdge R750xs. Sevice tag: 4S3P0V3. I have a HD (arrived with this device, not cabled). I have installed Ubuntu Server version 22.04 on it, using USB - during installation, the device prompts the use of a LVM. I followed the general instructions. (This first OS installation was 3 months ago). I made a lot of other package and tool downloads etc., all by network connection. But did not use the server on a daily basis. No other HD's or external devices were mounted or installed on this device (other than a keyboard etc., of course). It was perfectly recognizing the disk (1.1 T), and its partitions. About 10 days ago, it suddenly started to "freeze". I had to reboot using the power on/off button (I am not sure whether it is called rebooting?). As I could not log-in, or access the server otherwise - it was not responding to anything. When used the power button, 2 times the server came back. Then frooze again. Next time, it gave the BusyBox ALERT: /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv does not exist.  Dropping to shell. (This is the LVM partition created by default at installation of OS and mounted at /. I never uninstalled or deleted or manipulated it.). Now, when I use the power button again, it even does not give that mapper not exist ALERT. Instead the booting fails because there is no HD disk that the device recognizes. I cannot boot using the same USB stick (that I used to install OS at the first time) as it does not work w/o HD available... During these freezing cycles I did not install anything on the server.



3.7K Posts

March 15th, 2024 01:00

Hello, thanks for choosing Dell and welcome to our community!

"The RAID controller does not see any physical or virtual disk (counts are 0)"


:This doesn't sound alright to me. First of all can you access idrac and check out the status from there? This article here may help:



1 Rookie


5 Posts

March 20th, 2024 21:20


I do not get what you mean ":This doesn't sound alright to me." because I wrote what I see.

In system Setup -> Device Settings --> Raid Controller in SL 3: Dell PERC H755 front configuration Utility

All the counts under PROPERTIES are "0"

Physical disk:0, non-raid disks: 0, Disk group: 0, Virtual Disk:0., among others.

This was not the case before this server started to "freeze" and it was seeing the HD.  I tried to set factory defaults, it did not help.

I have my concerns regarding network connection - this device was assigned an IP address (and was given credentials for a network connection) by my institute's network administration, previously, when it was functional. At the moment I cannot connect it to a network as I am not able to boot it. Without that granted IP address I will not be able to get a network connection. 


1 Rookie


5 Posts

March 20th, 2024 21:23

BTW, in any case I was using the server with Ubuntu OS, so ,iDRAC does not have any installation files for this OS and I had already installed for the first time with a USB.



3.7K Posts

March 21st, 2024 07:24

Hello, I see that your controller does not recognize the HD. Could you reseat the controller and see if it's still the same?

1 Rookie


5 Posts

March 23rd, 2024 18:50

@DELL-Young E​ thanks for the reply. Could you please clarify what you mean by "reseat" the controller?


1 Rookie


5 Posts

March 24th, 2024 13:38

@DELL-Young E​ I suppose you meant reset. I already tried to 1- "clear configuration" of RAID 2- "set to factory defaults". 3- I powered off the server from the plug and started again. (I tried all options I found for RAID reset + reboot, anything I could see) I am not sure what  other options are available for reset? Any other options under system setup (virtual disk management etc.)  are already non-functional for me since it does not recognize them at all.

I have no idea why this server is "frozen" and now does not recognize any HD? 



3.7K Posts

March 25th, 2024 03:11

Hello, at this point I'm thinking your controller might be at fault. Would you kindly raise an official ticket to consider a replacement?


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