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March 3rd, 2020 01:00

R720xd platform specific bootable iso boots but black screen

I booted it though idrac virtual console, mounting the iso as virtual media, I can see the grub menu and penguin logo, but then just black screen.

I tried using grub interactive mode to remove the "quiet" parameter, I did see some additional boot messages after that but nothing seems unusual.

Those were several dusty R720xd servers and I'm trying to get them back to work, firmware on them were really old, I've updated idrac(with lifecycle controller) firmware and system bios to the current version(2.63 and 2.9 respectively) individually through idrac, then I tried to upgrade the rest of them through the iso, but unfortunately no luck so far, I've ran the iso on three of them and they suffer from the exact same issue.

OS installed on them(Proxmox VE) works just fine though.

Update through lifecycle controller from a network repository is not applicable since they had "untested" module in the NIC, this can be overridden on Linux but not in lifecycle controller.

Update through idrac from a network repository is also not applicable since idrac is in a separated vlan where I can't setup an update repository and does not allow outgoing internet connections.

It seems like there is no option to update using a repository on virtual media, correct me if I'm wrong

Well certainly I should try to do something about the network situations, but it will involve communications to another department which might complicate things, I really hope I can get the iso update method to work.

Also there're some strange minor issues with idrac, like the first page after login will stuck at the rotating circle indefinitely, specifically the "overview -> server -> properties -> summary" page, but the "details" and "system inventory" tab in the same page works fine and the virtual console works, also a few strings in some pages shows up differently like using underscores instead of spaces to separate words, some even just show up as "undefined".



4 Operator


2.7K Posts

March 3rd, 2020 07:00

Hello there nickinuse,


Have you tried using RUFUS (or similar) to transfer the iso to a pendrive and boot from USB?


Basically the platform specific bootable iso is a local repository created with Dell Repository Manager. You can create your own with the application. So why don't you try this? You can use Support for Dell EMC Repository Manager (DRM), download the application and create your own repository.


This is an option. Another options is to use Dell EMC Server Update Utility (SUU) here the Guide and Download. SUU is not bootable, you can run in on the OS (support Windows and Linux).


Hope this helps.




1 Attachment

3 Apprentice


947 Posts

March 3rd, 2020 07:00

I would also suggest checking the MD5 (or similar) hash value of the iso, and make sure its correct compared to what is listed on the support site where the file is downloaded. If its correct and matches exactly, I would try what Diego said and use Rufus to create the USB key, and attach a monitor to the system locally.


4 Posts

March 3rd, 2020 20:00

Thanks but it seems like you misunderstood me, I know how to setup a repository, but the firewall doesn’t allow outgoing connections from idrac. I contacted network admin but they won’t change firewall rule just for me, the answer is something like “you have idrac access, you can mount an iso, why can’t you update firmware using that?"

The boot procedure go past the screen shot you posted, like I said in the original post, I could try recording the boot and upload it here, if that helps.

I did check the hash of the iso, it’s correct, that was the first thing I did after the first try.

I don’t have physical access to the server, remote site, I have the clearance but not feasible.

I’d very much like to get the iso to work, it SHOULD work after all?

Thank you both for your time.

4 Posts

March 4th, 2020 00:00

I missed the SUU info in previous reply, I'm trying this now, will report back.

4 Operator


2.7K Posts

March 4th, 2020 04:00

Ok! And please, have also in mind that I was suggesting you to create your own Repository with DRM (Dell Repository Manager) you can install this tool in any computer to create the ISO with the baseline.


Please, let us know the result of the SUU.



4 Posts

March 17th, 2020 02:00

Sorry I forgot to report back, I got the SUU iso to work but it's a bit troublesome.

I had a Debian based distro(namely Proxmox VE) installed and SUU doesn't support Debian, it works in CentOS live though, but that involves mounting two isos, idrac supports only one, so I have to:

1, mount and boot CentOS live via idrac

2, download the SUU iso in CentOS

3, loop mount the SUU iso in CentOS, and run SUU from that.

I've got all firmware updated now, I'll accept your reply as solution but do keep in mind that this however does NOT solve the problem in the original post, I still can't get the platform specific iso to boot correctly.

If SUU works with Debian though, that would be perfect.

1 Rookie


14 Posts

March 10th, 2021 07:00

I don't think the selected "solution" for this post is valid at all. The problem sill persists for some ISO media. 
Is there any update on this? This appears is a problem with the idrac controller.
We are trying to use Veeam Recovery ISO, always boots to a black screen. Checksums are right.
This does not happen when booting from a VM.

4 Operator


3.7K Posts

March 10th, 2021 08:00


Rey solution is a good starting point to troubleshoot.

Could you share with us your senvironnment that also generate a black screen.

OS type and version, server model, and his firmware version of each conponent?


I remain at your disposal.



3 Apprentice


947 Posts

March 10th, 2021 08:00

Can you provide a link to the Veeam software you are using? I see multiple downloads on Veeams website. 



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