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August 22nd, 2016 16:00

Outlook weather location

My Outlook 2013's calendar shows weather in Washington D. C. How do I get local weather instead?



17.1K Posts

August 24th, 2016 06:00


You can click the link below for information adding local weather in outlook 2013.

How to add and remove weather locations in the Outlook 2013 calendar

89 Posts

September 4th, 2016 07:00


You linked me to a great article. Unfortunately it doesn't help me. Steve Krause's very first screen shot shows his location, New York, between the date and the weather, together with a down-arrow that allows him to change the location. My Outlook 2013 under Windows 10 doesn't show a location, so there isn't any down-arrow to invite me to change the location. And I see nothing in Outlook's Options to include the location. Any other ideas?

Another question: I see lots of replies to Steve Krause's article. How did people send those replies?


September 4th, 2016 06:00

Thanks, DELL-Jesse L for the useful link!

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