1 Rookie
16 Posts
Dell Command Update 5.4.0 is not displaying restart deferral notices
I'm attempting to configure our systems to automatically install hardware updates using dcu-cli.exe and I'm getting very inconsistent results. From what I can tell, DCU is sensitive to the sequence that the commands are sent but there is nothing in their documentation that mentions anything about command priority. Earlier today the updates would install at the scheduled time but DCU never displayed any of the deferral notices and would restart without warning after the final deferral notice should have appeared. Now it's not even installing the updates when scheduled. Has anyone else encountered issues like this? I'm at my wits end and need to get this figured out. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Here's the current version of my code.
$schedParams = "/configure -scheduleDaily=16:30 -scheduleAction=DownloadInstallAndNotify -outputLog=$dcuSchedLog"$detailParams = "/configure -systemRestartDeferral=enable -deferralRestartInterval=1 -deferralRestartCount=3 -updateSeverity=security,critical,recommended -advancedDriverRestore=enable -outputLog=$dcuDetailLog"Start-Process -FilePath $dcuExePath -ArgumentList $schedParams -Wait -WindowStyle HiddenStart-Process -FilePath $dcuExePath -ArgumentList $detailParams -Wait -WindowStyle Hidden