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1 Rookie


5 Posts


July 30th, 2024 03:34

ML6000 connection issues

I'm trying to update the firmware on my library. I got it several years ago, but am only now getting to setting it up. 
I think the biggest problem I'm running in to is that it's running an ungodly old firmware. 320G-GS004.
I am unable to get into the remote management interface. I have tried multiple browsers (including a very old version of firefox) and always get "{IP} refused to connect" and ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED. I already ran the Library Service Utility update as well and it finished successfully (supposedly). 
I have tried logging in via SSH with putty, but keep getting access denied with proper login credentials, with multiple user accounts (I created a second admin level user on the touch interface).

I have a suspicion that this is due to not being able to set the correct date on the enclosure, but I can't be sure. The firmware is so old that I can't configure a date newer than the year 2020 with the onboard interface (Thatwas a great idea...). 

I have not yet tried the serial interface nor the service ethernet port, as I haven't found much documentation on it and would like to avoid creating a 50+ pound doorstop. 

Any assistance or advice would be very helpful with this. 
Thank you very much. 



3.4K Posts

July 30th, 2024 08:27



You might be correct, I've encountered such error on other devices which might be the cause by the date. 320G is an old firmware that might cause the date unable to be set newer. Maybe you can try setting the date on your client side, just an opinion. Might work. Have you also checked the security control on the control panel for service user if it is blocked?


The Library Service Utility does not update firmware, it only do checks. The only way to do firmware update is throught WebUI. You can try connecting to the service port and get access to the service GUI. It says here at page 5 the Service port can download firmware,


There is also a user from an old topic about using the CF card to do firmware flash, but I'm not familiar with this and ML6 license generate are now obsolete, hence, if license is lost, we can't extend our help to get it back.


1 Rookie


5 Posts

August 19th, 2024 23:20

@DELL-Joey C​ 

Well, I finally got around to creating a crossover cable and changing the date on my laptop to match the Powervault. Still no go...

I have the IPs for the Service port correct. My laptop is manually set to, and I get a ping response from 
However, I only get an...
Unable to Connect
Unable to establish a connection to the server at
Site could be temporarily unavailable...etc. etc. 

I tried with both HTTP and HTTPS, same error. 
My windows firewall is disabled.
I am using a VERY old version of Firefox to ensure compatibility (version 10.0.1).

I don't know why, but just can't get into the web gui to do a firmware update. The web gui just seems to be down for some reason.
I haven't tried to do a factory reset on the front panel, due to my thinking that I will lose my full capacity license, and as stated above, the ML6 license generate are now obsolete. Is there a way to back up the license not through the web gui? Or would I be able to obtain a license from someone else here if I were to do a factory reset, and lose it? (See edit below) 

I would really like to get this operational, and any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you. 

(Edit: Is there a default license that is built in to the library? I only have the base ML6010 enclosure with the 41-slot capacity, including I/O. If I do a factory reset, will I still have access to all of those slots? To put another way, is the license *only* for when adding capacity with the Library Expansion Modules?)




3.4K Posts

August 20th, 2024 03:03



Connecting the storage network and the laptop, got me thinking. The initial troubleshooting/cabling on your first post, was it through a switch? - I read in the user guide that the ML6000 default gateway must not be blank or 


I apologize for the miscommunication on licensing. I found an article on ML6000 licensing, that you can use to generate But I don't think you need any license as you mentioned that you only use 41 slot capability. You need license if you need to use other features, page 35:


1 Rookie


5 Posts

August 20th, 2024 04:36

@DELL-Joey C​ 

Initial troubleshooting had it going through a switch. But I tried with both DHCP and Static mapping with my router default gateway put in manually. 

I have tried a factory reset via the touch screen. It successfully completed, but to no avail. 
Still on the service port, the system will still respond to a ping on, but will not open the web gui. Still 'Unable to Connect'. 

I have also tried to SSH and Telnet into the system. I am able to connect to the system via both Telnet and SSH, and I get a login prompt on Putty, but I am unable to log in with admin credentials. 

SSH connection comes up with...

login as: (I enter 'admin')
admin@'s password: (I enter my password)
Access denied

Telnet connection has more info, so I know it's communicating. 
It is as follows....

Welcome to ADIC LCB Linux - Kernel 2.6.11-1 (current time)
santapback2 login: (I enter 'admin')
Password: (I enter the password)
Login incorrect

I have tried both the system default password and my changed admin password. I am unable to create a new user account to try via the touch screen. 

My next step would be to try to connect via the serial port, but I don't know the connection specifications, or if I can even do what I need via that...

If I could just get into the GUI, I would be able to update the firmware, and I think that would solve all my issues...



3.4K Posts

August 20th, 2024 08:17



Try SSH connection using the username stated in this old post: I don't have a ML6000 to check what SSH can do, so I can't let you know further steps need to be done. 


Do you have VM that you can install Windows XP or Windows Server 2008 to try to test the browser? 


I can't think of anything else that we can troubleshoot with. 

1 Rookie


5 Posts

August 20th, 2024 08:43

@DELL-Joey C​ 

That works on the touch screen. I can log into service mode there, but those credentials do not work on the service port via SSH or Telnet, and does not work on SSH via the normal connection. (Telnet doesn't seem to function on the normal network control port. 

I'm wondering if it would work to remove the CF card and manually put a copy of someone elses CF card data onto it. I don't know if that would work, if during the firmware upgrade, it writes unique data to the CF card based on the system serial/service tag. 

This is so perplexing...

(Edit: I wish we had a bit more information about the operation and details of the LCB. I took it out to make sure there wasn't a write protect switch on the CF card that might have stopped it from resetting the service passwords. There wasn't. But I also saw a few jumpers on the board, one of which is a two position with labeling as 'Normal' and 'Erase'. Obviously, I'm not going to touch that, since I have zero idea what that might to, and it could very well turn it into a paperweight.)




3.4K Posts

August 20th, 2024 09:44



Someone from another post, mentioned he manage to copy the CF but did not say anything on how it was done: It is possible that it could be the CF having an issue, based on the other post. 


I tried looking for internal documentation on any information on the LCB, but nothing appear. 

1 Rookie


5 Posts

August 20th, 2024 18:21

@DELL-Joey C​ 

I'm hoping someone with similar experiences see's this post chimes in, or @TapeDriveGuy even, from that post you linked. 

I'm going to keep trying different things. I might pull out the CF card and pull the data off, just to see what is going on. 

I really appreciate all the help you've offered @DELL-Joey C . I really means a lot to have community help with something. 

If I find out any more info or fix my issue, I'll post here for posterity. And if you have any more ideas to try out, please don't hesitate to bring them up. 

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