What does Dell generally recommend? I haven't found anywhere in the docs (yet) that recommends if LUNs and volumes should be 1:1 or if they can be 1:Many.
In general, it is recommended to map volume to 1:1. But it is recommended to map volumes to two ports on each controller as redundancy and high availability. If the volume are mapped 1:Many, cluster software must be in place to control the traffic, else the volume are at high risk of corruption.
3.5K Posts
May 24th, 2024 04:12
In general, it is recommended to map volume to 1:1. But it is recommended to map volumes to two ports on each controller as redundancy and high availability. If the volume are mapped 1:Many, cluster software must be in place to control the traffic, else the volume are at high risk of corruption.
Attached best practices: https://dell.to/3VdG9Ag and deployment guide: https://dell.to/4aEp8DD