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September 26th, 2023 08:35

MD3860F with errors "SE"-"DF"

Hello everyone

There is a problem with the MD3860F, namely, one of the controllers, after replacing the RTS battery, does not load and displays SE DF errors, while I have a mini USB console cable to db9, I connect to this controller and see an RTS battery error. At the same time, I cannot enter the service interface in any way; neither control break nor control a and b work. the controller does not accept any commands to enter the service interface. It always offers several options - interrupt, monitor, continue, shell, display. when choosing to continue or ignore, the controller simply goes into the "OF" state and after that does not accept commands from the console.

Console messages below

Reset, Power-Up Diagnostics - Loop 1 of 1
3600 Processor DRAM
      01 Data lines Passed
      02 Address lines Passed
      01 Data lines Passed
7102 QLOGIC EP8324 FC 1
      01 Register Read Test Passed
      02 Register Address Lines Test Passed
      03 Register Data Lines Test Passed
7103 QLOGIC EP8324 FC 2
      01 Register Read Test Passed
      02 Register Address Lines Test Passed
      03 Register Data Lines Test Passed
7106 QLOGIC EP8324 FC 3
      01 Register Read Test Passed
      02 Register Address Lines Test Passed
      03 Register Data Lines Test Passed
7107 QLOGIC EP8324 FC 4
      01 Register Read Test Passed
      02 Register Address Lines Test Passed
      03 Register Data Lines Test Passed
3900 Real-Time Clock
      01 RT Clock Tick ** Failed **

*** Error (0005): Real time clock/NVSRAM battery low

      STATUS: Real time clock/NVSRAM battery low

*** Current Loop Count: 1 Date: 01/24/2018 Time: 06:56:27

*** Master Error Code: 2701-3900-01-0005

D)isplay R)etry C)ontinue M)onitor S)hell A)bort

Messages before the controller turns off


---- Log Entry #71 (Core 0) SEP-25-2023 04:51:47 PM ----

WARNING: Reset by alternate controller

---- Log Entry #72 (Core 0) SEP-25-2023 04:52:54 PM ----

WARNING: Reset by alternate controller

Current date: 01/24/18 time: 07:02:20

Send <BREAK> for Service Interface or baud rate change

Let me remind you that it does not respond to pressing the pause/break button
or control pause/break

Please help me, I don’t know what to do anymore

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