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21 Posts


January 27th, 2024 22:54

124T - replaced drive, now getting 6E error


I have a Powervault 124T SAS with an LTO4 drive.

After the old drive could not read/write tapes anymore, I got a new (used) drive and installed it.

Unfortunately now I am getting an error:

Drv Comm FailureType (6E)POC:00038POH:00000:05:36 #008

I suppose, the problem is the small plug from the lib to the drive.
On my IBM drive there are two small sockets. one near the sata socket, one on the right.
Unfortunately I did not pay attention to this when taking the old drive out and could not find any information on how to connect the drive.
I would be happy if someone told me which socket to use and the orientation of the plug.
Or maybe it could be a different problem?
Best regards and thanks in advance,



3.2K Posts

January 29th, 2024 02:06



Unfortuantely, there isn't any document for drive installation steps. And I do not have a unit to check the cabling. I only manage to find a Youtuber that showed how to replace a PV124T Power Supply, which might show some internal cabling. Probably you might need to wait for someone here in the community with the same unit to share their information with you.

1 Rookie


427 Posts

January 29th, 2024 08:38

the cable can only go into one port. also the dip swtiches on the drive need to match the original.

but after all that the drive VPD may not be correct anyway.

21 Posts

January 29th, 2024 13:30


Thanks a lot for your answer!

hm. I am not near the drive right now, but I do not remember any DIP switches. Where should they be on the drive? The replacement should be the same type as the old one I think.

And what does VPD mean?

Maybe (because of your nickname) you also have tips on how to re-animate a drive which can not read/write anymore (probably polluted).


21 Posts

January 29th, 2024 18:14


you made my day. there WHERE dip switches. I thought they were just small connectors and needed a magnifying glass to see them. (my eyes are not what they used to be).

the lib started once, but then I attached the cover and after some seconds power was gone. disconnecting power and re-connecting after a few minutes helped some times, but now the lib seems to be dead. I suppose the psu is gone.

luckily I have a second 124T in stock (also with a non-working drive) which I can use for spare parts.

I REALLY wonder how to revive a drive with I/O errors...


1 Rookie


427 Posts

January 30th, 2024 14:57

with the psu in the 124t, if you turn it on and off to fast it wont power on, if you leave it unplugged for a while it should come back on.

VPD is vital product data. its basically the drive settings that differ depending on what library and brand it is.

As for reviving a drive, its unlikely as the drive is so old now anyway.

i do work for  a company that repairs LTO, but were UK based

21 Posts

January 31st, 2024 13:12


Thanks for your help!

I ended up replacing the PSU (luckily I have another 124T there). Now everything is working.

Well, this is just in my homelab and I use to buy used hardware. Every 1-2 years the LTO drive starts with I/O errors and cleaning tape does not help anymore. so I need to replace the drive. (well, in the past I replaced the whole lib ^^).

so I suppose that "repair" is probably the wrong word. "professional cleaning" maybe would suit better...

it is a pity, that your company is in UK. with that brexit doing small things like repairing a drive from Europe is a pain....

1 Message

February 2nd, 2024 13:50

I am not near the drive right now, but I do not remember any DIP switches. Where should they be on the drive? The replacement should be the same type as the old one I think.


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