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January 27th, 2014 06:00

What to do if EMCGrabor EMCReports fail to run

What to do if EMCGrabor EMCReports fail to run


The EMC Grab Utility or EMC Reports is used to collect host-configuration data and submit that information with your EMC support case to speed time to resolution. EMC Grab or EMC Reports collects host system and log files, the INQ output, and EMC software (PowerPath, RecoverPoint, Replication Manager, Networker, etc.) configuration information.

EMC Grab and EMC Reports utilities can be downloaded from the following locations:


·         For UNIX hosts such as (AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, Tru64)

·         For ESX hosts

·         For ESXi hosts

·         For Windows hosts

·         For Open VMS hosts

From Web:

        Search EMC Grab Utility or EMCReports on


Due to the complicated environment and various host configurations, EMC Grab or EMC Reports fails to collect the logs.


If the EMC Grab or EMC Reports fails to run, or hangs and crashes the system while executing. Please verify the following items first:

·         Download the correct version of EMC grab for your hosts

·         The host has enough free disk space

·         Download the grab tool to the host directly (or use winscp) then exact the zip file. If you transfer the tool from Windows to Linux/ESX host by FTP, make sure it is transferred in binary mode.

·         The server is not running DAS service. DSA is an Open Systems software package that helps to produce a DSA Certificate (private keys) for creating trusted web sites for secure eCommerceand other online transactions. If you do have DAS running on your hosts, please contact EMC support and recite KB emc242277.

·         If using Dell servers which contain the Dell PERC H700 and H800 SCSI Adapter, you will need to install the latest Firmware (Firmware 12.10.0-0025, A06 and Driver, A02, both dated 11/11/2010). The older versions will cause emcreports for Windows to reboot without warning.

·         If using ESX hosts, run “esxcfg-mpath-l” to confirm the dead paths. If exists, rescan the HBAs in order to remove the dead paths (either from the vCenter server or run “esxcfg-rescan <vmhbaX>”).

If the above actions didn’t work and the grab tool still hangs, it is possible to open up the grab files and comment out the lines that caused the error.

Method 1: (for Windows)

1.    Press Ctrl-C and when it prompts you to “Terminate batch job Y/N?”

2.    Then press N and EMC Reports should skip to the next command.

Method 2: (for Windows)

1.    Extract the contents of the EMC Reports program into a directory. 

2.    Investigate the EMCRPT.CMD file - this is the main file and it calls other files. It should be possible to remark out individual statements in this or the Emulex.cmd file to skip over the offending command. 

3.    Finally execute the EMC Reports by executing the emcrpt.cmd file (not the original exe)

Method 3: (for Unix/Linux)

1.    Go to …/emcgrab/tools directory

2.    Find the . sh file, open it with VI tool and comment out the relevant commands.

3.    Save the file, and run ./ again.


                                                                                                                                                                                                          Author: Roger


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