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October 22nd, 2014 14:00

How to upgrade PowerPath on Microsoft Cluster 2008


Does any one know how to upgrade powerpath on  Microsoft Cluster 2008 from 5.5 to 5.7.4 , can i upgrade or do i need to uninstall the old version 5.5?

and does any one can tell me the steps to do that, because i found this.

1:Turn off all other cluster nodes completely. )-------> it means all nodes in the cluster????

2: Disable the Cluster Service on the node that is still up and will be upgraded. (Do not stop the service as it will then be re-activated after a reboot. Disable it). Done in services, via Computer Management.

3: Disable cluster disk driver. Done in device manager. Click view, select: show hidden devices. ------windows guy  perform thist??

Expand: Non-Plug and Play Drivers. Disable: Clusdisk.

4: Reboot the host.

5: Upgrade PowerPath to the version needed

6: Put Cluster service back in Automatic mode

7: Enable cluster disk driver

8: Reboot the Host

9: Verify all cluster disk resources come online in cluster admin

Best Regards

86 Posts

October 22nd, 2014 15:00

Hello, no please don't use that procedure. I believe that may be for Windows 2003 cluster and having run into problems that you would use that procedure.

Use normal Microsoft Failover cluster procedures when doing maintenance.

Move all resources to the alternate node.

Pause this node.

Perform the PowerPath upgrade and reboot the server.

Please note, you can only upgrade from FULL versions of PowerPath. If you have PowerPath hotfixes or patches they must be removed and host rebooted prior to upgrading. This is documented in the PowerPath installation guide.

Service Pack versions are considered full versions.

If upgrading Boot from SAN environments, always reboot twice when upgrading boot drivers.

Let me know if you need any more information.

Regards, Michel.

October 23rd, 2014 08:00

thanks for your help i will do that

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