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1 Rookie


1 Message


September 25th, 2023 09:53

enable https on Dell Networking N1548P

I am trying to enable https and disable http to make dell more secure. I am trying to generate self-sign certificate with these commands and having this error.

(config)#crypto certificate 1 generate(config-crypto-cert)#exitCertificate generation failed. Please check logs for more details..#show loggingSSLT[emWeb]: sslt_api.c(1201) 607965 %% SSLT: ssltCertificateGenerate keyFile not exist

1 Rookie


9 Posts

September 2nd, 2024 17:46

ssltCertificateGenerate keyFile not exist

Well do you understand the difference between http and https?
I would suggest reading some article like this
You are missing file/code/key to send to your dedicated connection to establish safe communication/ establish encryption key to encript data that Noone could understand I'd of it is read in it middle of the way. So basically it encript data and at the end point it decripts data and understand it.
So error says that you missing this key
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