This post is more than 5 years old
8 Posts
Cannot add vCenter plugin
Hi all,
I'm trying to install ScaleIO version vCenter plugin on VCSA 6.0 U3. Everything looks OK, but when I log into vCenter, there is no plugin to be found... Any ideas on how to troubleshoot? Thanks!
Welcome to ScaleIO Plugin Register Utility
Important notice to users upgrading to ScaleIO release 1.32, or higher:
1. ESXi 5.1 is no longer supported. ESXi 5.5 and above are supported.
2. Running SDC within an SVM is no longer supported. SDC must be installed in th
e ESXi host.
If your configuration isn't supported, DO NOT UPGRADE.
Contact Support for additional info and further assistance.
Do you wish to continue? Y / N: Y
Do you want to run the Standard or Advanced registration? [s|a]: s
verify protocol url :
Waiting for internal server to load (attempt 1)...
Connecting to vCenter
Successfully connected to vCenter
Registering ScaleIO extension...
Log out, and then log back in to vSphere web client. The plugin is downloaded up
on login to the vSphere web client. After you have logged back in, press ENTER.
ERROR: The process with PID 3360 could not be terminated.
Reason: There is no running instance of the task.
Disconnecting from the vCenter
Choose mode:
1 - Register ScaleIO plug-in
2 - Unregister ScaleIO plug-in
3 - Create SVM template
4 - Exit the script
More info from vCenter's vpxd.log, looks like plugin installation is failing with locale error:
2017-04-20T03:12:24.228Z info vpxd[7F4DB0612700] [Originator@6876 sub=vpxLro opID=2585ba72] [VpxLRO] -- BEGIN task-internal-2234 -- ExtensionManager -- vim.ExtensionManager.registerExtension -- 521f6285-c15d-e1cb-0b79-01ff4988e6de(52785de7-6016-cf93-7b07-feb08c0f21ff)
2017-04-20T03:12:24.234Z warning vpxd[7F4DB0612700] [Originator@6876 sub=Locale opID=2585ba72] No supported locales in directory '/etc/vmware-vpx/extensions/com.emc.s3g.scaleio.vSpherePlugin/locale/'.
2017-04-20T03:12:24.291Z error vpxd[7F4DB0612700] [Originator@6876 sub=MoLocMgr opID=2585ba72] [CreateLocaleZip] localezip script failed with error [1] and output [Traceback (most recent call last):
--> File "/usr/lib/vmware-vpx/py/", line 51, in
--> raise Exception("localePath")
--> Exception: localePath
--> ]
73 Posts
April 21st, 2017 09:00
Hi Andrei,
Check out this KB for a few troubleshooting methods as well as workarounds:
An additional troubleshooting measure, when the plugin has registered with vcenter and before you hit enter, try to download the plugin from a web browser. You also need to verify that the vcenter host can talk to the script host with both ping and telnet to the port from the vcenter host. If your vcenter host does not have telnet (VCSA), use this:
# curl -v telnet://
You should see a successful connection. If it can ping but not connect to that port, check your firewall settings between the 2 hosts. If it can connect, then check the above KB mentioned for the virgo logs and see what shows in there. It could be you are seeing the SSL handshake issue mentioned in the KB.
Hope that helps
1 Message
January 23rd, 2018 02:00
As stated, the root cause is SSL settings.
No method worked for me as described in the KB but I found a way to install it anyway
The trick is to use a separate web server with SSL enabled and correctly configured.