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1 Rookie


3 Posts


April 3rd, 2024 17:15

Weird garbled text after OS boots up


I have a R730 that I am trying to install a new OS onto. So far I have tried Unraid, Proxmox and TrueNAS. All the OS install just fine, but when they boot up the text goes into a weird garbled screen that is unintelligible. The attached image is from booting TrueNAS, which should just be a simple text menu. Proxmox and Unraid both do similar screens, but have a  red stripe on top.

 So far I have tried resetting the iDRAC, resetting the BIOS, booting into BIOS and UEFI, etc.

All the drivers and firmwares are updated. I'm at a loss here. Any ideas are appreciated.




3.7K Posts

April 4th, 2024 04:40

Hello thanks for choosing Dell and welcome to our community. 
I'm thinking this actually might be a monitor issue. Could you try with another monitor and see if it's still the same?


1 Rookie


3 Posts

April 4th, 2024 10:32

@DELL-Young E​ 


This happens on any monitor and the virtual console as well.



3.4K Posts

April 4th, 2024 11:04

This server is not compatible with the OS you mentionned.

If the issue is only present in the OS, please install one of any supported OS in the list below

Supported Operating Systems | Dell US


1 Rookie


3 Posts

April 5th, 2024 01:15

@DELL-Marco B​ Thank you for that list. The weird part is that TrueNAS is actually running and can be logged into the web UI, but anything on the actual server shows up garbled like the photo.



3.7K Posts

April 5th, 2024 05:30

Hello, do you have an extra VGA card connected? If not we might have to consider an motherboard fault, I'm afraid.


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