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February 12th, 2021 01:00

SAS Controller

Hello, we have a Dell PowerEdge T605  AMD Quad Core Opteron 2376 with a dedicated SAS Controller.

It is supposed that this controler admits up to 4 2TB hard disks, but the controller only recognizes 2 of the 4.

I show you some of the configuration screens.

What can I do?

Thanks in advance,



4 Operator


2.7K Posts

February 15th, 2021 02:00

Hello @JoaquinLopez,

I hope you don't mind me stepping in.

Don't worry about using the black connector instead of the white one. It is just another internal connector for the Raid Controller card as the SAS 6/iR has 2 internal connects.

You can check this document:
And the hardware manual:




9K Posts

February 12th, 2021 06:00



Let me confirm a couple things with you. 

Are the drives cabled or backplaned?

If those 2 drives are swapped with the ones displayed in the screenshots, are they then visible? Meaning is it only seeing 2 drives at a time, or just seeing those 2 specific drives. 


Let me know.



19 Posts

February 15th, 2021 00:00

Thanks for your help Chris.

If I connect the main connector to the white socket on the SAS controller, it doesn't recognize the drives attached to the cables hdd2 and hdd3, it only recognizes the drives connected to hdd0 and hdd1 (no matter which physical hdd drive I connect them, hdd0 and hdd1 or hdd2 and hdd3).

However, if I connect the main connector to the black socket, as you can see in the attached image, it recognizes the four drives, althoug with the numbers phy4..phy7

It's very strange because 6 montsh ago, with other four hdd drives it had worked perfectlly during years.

It's there any problem in using the black connector instead the white one?



19 Posts

February 15th, 2021 11:00

Thank you very much for your help Diego.

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