
5 Posts


April 18th, 2021 09:00

iDRAC reset on a M630/ VRTX & hostname change


I have a M630 blade that has a iDRAC id/pw i have forgotten, i have tried root/calvin with no luck

any advice on how to reset the the iDRAC

also how would i go about changing the hostname of the blades, i'm running CMC Express 

( this was a used system and the previous owner did not reset a single thing)



4 Operator


2.1K Posts

April 18th, 2021 13:00

The iDRAC password can be changed  by

  1. Boot into LCC and go into Setup -> Devices-> iDRAC. You need to hook up a Monitor and Keybord to the blade
  2. If you have installed an OS and have Administrator/Root right you can use "racadm" to control the iDRAC from inbound



5 Posts

April 18th, 2021 20:00

@Origin3k wrote:

The iDRAC password can be changed  by

  1. Boot into LCC and go into Setup -> Devices-> iDRAC. You need to hook up a Monitor and Keybord to the blade
  2. If you have installed an OS and have Administrator/Root right you can use "racadm" to control the iDRAC from inbound



for #1 do you mean access the CMC ? because under iDRAC on the CMC there is no option for Password resets just connect to LAN

i do not have OS access as the Drives on the Blades were replaced with new drives, and are blank at them moment. i am not able to log into the BIOS to configure the Hardware raid 

4 Operator


2.1K Posts

April 18th, 2021 21:00

No, not trough CMC. Just connect a monitor and keyboard/mouse to the blade and not to the VRTX chassis and handle it like a normal PowerEdge Server.


4 Operator


3K Posts

April 18th, 2021 21:00

You can login to CMC and try below step to reset iDRAC root password

  • Traverse to Server Overview -> Setup -> iDRAC page
  • Configure "iDRAC Root Password" and "Confirm iDRAC Root Password"  setting on "QuickDeploy Settings" and apply
  • Scroll down to the slot for which iDRAC password need to be changed
  • Select "Change Root Password" checkbox
  • Apply the setting

Another option is to launch iDRAC from CMC which will do a single sign on and then change the password on iDRAC. For this you can select blade from Server overview section and use Launch iDRAC GUI option to launch iDRAC


5 Posts

April 21st, 2021 15:00

there is no iDRAC section unfortunately


5 Posts

April 21st, 2021 16:00

the KVM does not show anything on that blade



4.5K Posts

April 21st, 2021 18:00

Hi, would this help?


  • Local KVM access can be remotely disabled on a per server module basis, using the server module iDRAC interface (access is enabled by default).
  • One VGA connector — The KVM supports a video display resolution range from 640 × 480 at 60 Hz up to 1280 × 1024 × 65,000 colors (non-interlaced) at 75 Hz.
  • Two USB ports for keyboard and mouse.
  • The KVM provides access to the server modules. You can access one server module at a time using the LCD panel.


4 Operator


3K Posts

April 21st, 2021 19:00

Sorry. I did not notice that you have express license on CMC. The features I mentioned is only available on CMC Enterprise license. Did you have any operating system installed on the server and have access to that.

4 Operator


2.1K Posts

April 22nd, 2021 15:00

Do you have phys. access to the system? If so please hook up a screen and keyboard and enter the LCC when the BLADE is booting and entering the hardware setup -> Devices -> iDRAC. and reset the iDRAC password.

Its a 4min job because 3min takes the blade to power up.


ps: Yes its possible to updrade the CMC express to CMC enterprise.

5 Posts

April 22nd, 2021 15:00

no i do not the blade is completely inaccessible, how do i upgrade to a enterprise license ?

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