This post is more than 5 years old
5 Posts
December 19th, 2017 02:00
Can't update iDRAC Firmware
I have two Dell Poweredge R420 with ESX installed which both fails during boot in the process Initializing idrac...
I have made several ISO images of different iDRAC versions via Dell repository management. But nothing works.
Right now the installed version is 1.65.65 i have tried updating to 1.66.65 and also later versions such as 2.15 but nothing works as mentioned.
I manged to update BIOS because i could update using a .EFI file. But i cant update using a bootable image.
I downloaded iDRAC v2.15 as a .BIN file and made a ISO file which i put on a USB that i made bootable using RUFUS.
After that i press F11 to boot on the USB using BIOS.
First it failes then i press "Alt" + "F2" to get into the command line interface.
From there i type "mount /dev/sda1 /opt/dell/toolkit/systems/" then i type "/opt/dell/toolkit/systems/drm_files/" then it starts executing but then it starts Collecting inventory but then it fails and give me theese to lines back
"grep: /proc/ipmi/0/si_stats: No such file or directory"
" ./ No such file or directory"
Then it says "This update package is not compatible with your system configuration"
What can i do about this? >
Daniel My
10 Elder
10 Elder
6.2K Posts
December 20th, 2017 09:00
Replace the system board.
The iDRAC needs to initialize to be able to update it. Sometimes the iDRAC will partially initialize and allow an update.
Before replacing the system board I would take the system to minimum-to-POST, drain flea power, and clear NVRAM via jumper. If you notice anything that would hint at a problem with any other hardware in the system then troubleshoot that issue and try to resolve it. Almost any faulty or incompatible hardware can cause issues with other hardware in the system.
4 Posts
January 20th, 2018 12:00
Dell T420 I am Having the same Exact Issue and I am not the only one... and I have spent 5 Days and at least 25+ hours. 20 of those hours is just waiting for the server to Fail iDRAC twice and boot through BIOS. I recently went through a BIOS update that successfully updated because it was a EFI bootable file.
When troubleshooting a unraid 6.4.0 UEFI boot problem I discovered iDRAC, LCD controler, LifeCycle, OS choices, and 2 others In the BIOS lifeCycle controller via FTP needed to be updated. The server was never updated since 2012.. Why not! I thought. Lets just get my hardware out of the way so limetech unraid can fix there end. Well the FTP LifeCycle Controller install request timed out. and no signs of life for 8 HOURS. I pulled the power and since then if my server was a bit lighter it would have enough wind wind proportion to go to the moon and back. It's really working hard for no reason. Of course the server is out of warranty and looks like a MOBO is the only Viable solution. Because I TOO have tried everything even moding out the file in the linuxiso.iso to only include what I need to update and to speed things up. So If dell is not going to reimburse me because there updated iDRAC firmware is Faulty with no fault tolerance or gradual step up, Could you please make EFI files available to update the firmware instead of EXE's and BIN's. that are not doing anything but spitting out errors that IPMI driver/library failure and not Compatible with system configuration..
Dell please contact me to work something out. Thanks.
6 Posts
August 6th, 2018 08:00
Same issue T420, booted to life cycle controller, auto connected to , detected needed firmware updates. Completed UEFI Diag Update, Driver Pack Update, OS Collector Update and NIC Update, iDRAC ran for 42.52 minutes locked up the server, had to power off to restart and now I get iDRAC initialization error, F1 prompt and fans running high. Did a BIOS update prior to the above with no issues. I did everything using Dell life cycle controller so it was done with Dell tools not me. What am I supposed to do now.. server is out of warranty .. Dell use to be one of the best iDRAC has ruined Dell reputation.
6 Posts
August 6th, 2018 08:00
I apologize but all I know to do as this point is power off server, unplug power and hold power button depressed for 30 sec to 1 min.
Is the above "drain flea power" , what are the other two as it relates to a T420?
system to minimum-to-POST, drain flea power, and clear NVRAM via jumper