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14 Posts


June 21st, 2020 01:00

Power Edge T310 with only one PSU plugged in produces E1620 error on console

Yep, subject says it all.

But to be very specific, I have a Poweredge T310, looking at it from the back are two PSUs, I have power plugged into the right one (which is the left viewed from the front). It's just 240V mains, 50Hz, standard Australian supply.

The left one (viewed from back, or right one from the front) has nothing plugged in.

On the LCD panel on the front is a consistent scrolling message that reads:

E1620 Power supply 1 (400 W) AC power error. Check PSU cables.

I also hear a beep every now and then from the server space. I am not sure what it is, irritating thing. A lot of equipment there and hard to trace as it's not regular enough to be sitting around waiting for it, and even if I did you'd need many cycles to hone in on the source of the beep. A strong candidate is this PowerEdge T310 because it has this scrolling error on it's LCD console.

So I've checked the manual but it's a bit generic and not very helpful.

Does this message relate tot he fact that one PSU has no power input? And if so can I inform the system of the intentional nature of that and stop the error message (and possibly beep)? Or does this message relate to the PSU that is plugged in and it's somehow concerned that Australian power isn't good enough?

Appreciate it if anyone with insights into running with an idle PSU (as in I bought this thing as is with two PSUs but I don't have two independent power sources so don't need the second one. If power goes down it's down. I see no reason to run to cables to two power sockets on the same power circuit. Or is that in fact the done thing and expected?

4 Operator


2.7K Posts

June 22nd, 2020 04:00

Hello there @ThumbOne,

The voltage supported for a PowerEdge T310 is 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 10 A for a Redundant power supply configuration and 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 8.2 A for a non-redundant. So, you should be ok. Regarding the last question, normally the second PSU is connected to an independent power source that will keep the server on till the main source is restored.

There are several things you can try. But first things first, a E1620 error messaged in a "Power Supply means: Power supply AC/DC input is outside of the allowable range." You mentioned if this message would be an error for non having a redundant PSU configuration. Well, that error code is E1624. So you can see is different.

This being said I would start by reaseating the PSU. Check then if problem persist. You can also try to swap the CPUs and see if you get the same error. If this happens, the first PSU may be faulty.

You can also check the Power Supply configuration and make sure you have a non-redundant power supply config. In order to do that access the BIOS and check the Power Configuration.

Let me know if some of this works for you.

14 Posts

June 23rd, 2020 03:00

Why, thank you for those tips Diego, I shall indeed and report back.

I'm not real sure what you mean by "reaseating the PSU." but maybe it will become apparent when I open the cae, or maybe you mean "resetting" though I'd not know how to do that other than turning it off and on again.

Also I suspect when you said "swap the CPUs" I suspect you meant " swap the PSUs" and I could indeed try and just power off the other eon, or swap the PSUs physcially as well.  It will involve shutting down and opennig the case, so perhaps coming weekend.

4 Operator


2.7K Posts

June 23rd, 2020 03:00

Oh sorry for the confusion!

By "reaseating the PSU" I mean just to take it out from the server and connect it again. I think it is hot removable so (after disconnecting the power cable) you should see a terracotta color lever that you can pull in order to remove it from the server. 

And yes, sorry, I meant to say swap the PSUs.

Let me know how this works for you when you have this maintenance window for the procedure.


14 Posts

June 28th, 2020 02:00

OK, pulled the server down today, and some bad news:

  1. I pulled both PSUs out, and am quite impressed with the modularity and pluggability.  Alas Reseating them both changed nothing,
  2. I supplied power to the other PSU instead of the first and no change other than the message now reading:
    E1620 Power supply 2 (400 W) AC power error. Check PSU cables.
    Same message, just re: PSU 2.
  3. I swapped the two PSUs around. No change. Still get the message regardless of which PSU I put power on.
  4. I checked the BIOS configs and find no power settings that relate to these two PSUs. :-(.

I'm at a loss alas, what causes this message now. I can perhaps test the power supply, but it's  standard AU power socket it comes from and the rest of my entire server room and building are fine with it. Nothing untoward, excepting possibly amperage. But thath as near zero likelihood to be the cause. What I mean by this is that we're on a 240V AC supply, 50 HZ and 10A limit (enforced by circuit breakers) on each circuit. This server draws power from the same cicruit as pother servers (perforce), meaning between them they have a 10A limit. The reason this is not conceivably an issue si that there is no actual 10A limit per se on draw that is capped, far from it, what happens is if more that 10A is drawn (typically a little more to be honest) the breaker on the circuit trips. And that is clearly not happening. That is net draw on the circuit never exceeds the rating, not is it likely 10A is a bucket load of current for any device to be drawing and is typically the realm of heaters, kettles and such not IT devices.

Still I can if need be check the line quality, measure the voltage on it at least, possibly even if pressed arrange a frequency test or line quality test, but it's hard to do and nothing else in the room is complaining (which includes openWRT router, two Netgear switches, two RPis, one QNAP NAS, 2 other Servers and possibly - I'd have to check the wiring, also a Mintbox and a Yamaha AVR but that it).

So a tad puzzling. I'll walk through all available BIOS menus again but have done it a few times and found nothing.




3.4K Posts

June 28th, 2020 19:00



A little confused with left and right PSU and the error message. Let's based on this guide: so the left is PSU1 and right is PSU2.


So, you're having the error based on the power cable is connected to, or not connected to?


You're not utilizing both PSUs right? - Is that because you have only 1 power source? 


Let's try this, it's a long shot. Remove the PSU that you are not planning to have power connected to it? Do you have iDRAC access? If yes, try to check if the power management allows you to set the system to non-redundant. 

14 Posts

June 28th, 2020 20:00

Thanks for that manual. Very handy. Mine looks exactly like Figure 4.

Is this the view in which you describe the left as PSU1 and the right as PSU2 (so a view from back?)

I will check re: iDRAC access in coming days. And I will also test with removing the redundant power supply.

Thanks kindly for suggestions do far.

14 Posts

June 29th, 2020 18:00

A quick update. Had physical access to the box yesterday, but did not reboot it to navigate the BIOS menus and loo for iDRAC support. What I did confirm is that:

  1. I had power into the left PSU viewed from back.
  2. I removed the right PSU viewed from back.
  3. LCD console message changed to E1610 Power supply 2 missing
  4. Thus have confirmed that the right PSU viewed from back is PSU 2 (and by inference the left is PSU 1).
    • I will annotate that manual for future reference and write this with permanent marker onto the bays.
  5. When I reseat that PSU, the message returns to: E1620 Power supply 1 (400 W) AC power error. Check PSU cables.
    • Thus we have clear evidence that the 1620 power error does indeed apply to the unpowered PSU!
    • I can conclude that there should/must be a way to tell the firmware effective "I do not intend to supply power or PSU2" so that it does not display E1620.
    • You have implied this is in the iDRAC area. I certainly cannot find any such setting under the F2 BIOS configuration.
    • To wit, I will explore iDRAC access and report back.



3.4K Posts

June 29th, 2020 19:00



Thanks for the update on the troubleshooting.


The system has 2 PSU that needs power in order for it work well, and only 1 power cable is connected, the system may produce error alerts. 


Let's check in the iDRAC if there is any settings can be done. Oh, and remember to update the iDRAC and BIOS firmware too. I'm not very sure if 11G server has the settings in iDRAC but worth a try to look at. I did check on 13G iDRAC and there is a settings to set the server to non redundant mode. 

14 Posts

June 29th, 2020 20:00

I took a pile of photos of all the boot menus I could find over time precisely so I could plan things with some foreknowledge. The only mentions of iDRAC in those photos I see is in the Home page of the Unified Server Configurator where it says:

For enhanced embedded Systems Management features, upgrade to iDRAC Express. iDRAC Express enables you to configure Hardware and update Firmware/BIOS with roll back capability. The Web-based remote management has advanced security and comes with power management troubleshooting capabilities. 

I'd need to reboot it some time to double check how to get there alas. But I can't see in any photos whether it has iDRAC enabled or not or how to enable it.

14 Posts

June 29th, 2020 21:00

I can check the box physically for iDRAC card (I think it needs a card installed to have iDRAC right?)

If not, then how is iDRAC made available.

Interestingly someone here:

@theflash1932 suggests that removing PSU2 then rebooting may turn off the error message.

I wouldn't mind powering PSU if I had a sensible source of power of it, but just forking one input line into 2 seems a tad silly to get rid of a beeping error. I'll try the trick the flash1932 suggested and maybe look inside the box too.



3.4K Posts

June 29th, 2020 21:00



That's a good hint about the server. Unfortunately, it does not have iDRAC capability, only BMC/IPMI. I don't think we're able to control the PSU policy using IPMI. 


I don't think there is any other way to tell the server to use only 1 PSU without errors, except to install 2 power cables into the server. 



3.4K Posts

June 29th, 2020 22:00



Yeah, iDRAC express or enterprise is an upgrade card for this server. 


Well, that's an interesting trick to follow, and it works, then we know something new. 

14 Posts

June 30th, 2020 04:00

Well that fixed it. We owe flash1932 our thanks. It's a work around but now the error message is finally gone!

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