5 Posts
Concerned about temperature of the Dell PERC H730
I have a Dell PE T430 and I wanted to put out a concern I have discovered with the PERC H730 RAID controller.
I dont have any issues, but I noticed that the heat sink of the controller is hot to the point that it would burn your hand if you were to hold it for over 2 seconds. There are no any fans on the controller itself and it resides on the PCIe slot away from the "wind tunnel" that is driven by a single 120mm exhaust fan.
These servers were built this way and I am very surprised that there is absolutely no info on cooling the controller.
I have measured the temperature of the controller heat sink, and the current "idle" reading is 68 degrees C. This is a big area of a concern to me as it shortens the life of the controller and throttles down the speed as it gets even warmer. Correct me if I am wrong but this is very poorly designed product.
I have worked with Adaptec RAID controllers from 2xxx series all the way to 8xxx series and they all have options for fan to be added. In servers such as R730 there is continuous air flow from the front to the back, but these T430s have only a single fan and the controller is not "included" in that airflow.
I would like to hear anyone's input including Dell's Engineering team.
DELL-Charles R
3.8K Posts
July 17th, 2023 13:00
Hello HytronBG,
If you are having temperature errors listed in the Lifecycle Controller log or iDRAC log please let us know.
Ensure that the following conditions exist:
*System cover, cooling shroud, EMI filler panel, or back filler bracket is not removed.
*Ambient temperature is not higher than the system specific ambient temperature.
*External airflow is not obstructed.
*A cooling fan is not removed or has not failed.
*The expansion card installation guidelines have been followed.
See Troubleshooting cooling problems page 186 :
Additional cooling can be added.