1 Rookie


21 Posts


July 10th, 2021 01:00

Psu change

Can I change psu and add 3060 ti? The desktop is 3070 MT optiplex. Thanks

9 Legend


47K Posts

July 10th, 2021 05:00

You may want PSU inside the case but there is not a lot of room even with the tower. The proprietary PSU is small almost like a laptop Brick.




3060 PSU SIZE.png


9 Legend


47K Posts

July 10th, 2021 04:00

If the PSU sits Outside the Case after removing the Internal PSU and uses Moddiy Adapter. Only Short cards Fit at all.  10 to 12 inch cards will not physically fit inside the case.


Small units with large cards will also need PCI-E riser cable and the cover open.


NON Dell cards will require Secure boot OFF.

EVGA 700BR is bare minimum recommended for RTX 3060 in a Dell.


3060 TI.jpg








1 Rookie


21 Posts

July 10th, 2021 05:00

What are the dimensions? 
What are the dimensions? 

9 Legend


47K Posts

July 10th, 2021 05:00

"What are the dimensions? "

Really Really Small

3060 PSU SIZE.png3060 Small.jpg

9 Legend


47K Posts

July 10th, 2021 05:00

There is not a lot of detail on the spec sheet.

Physically and Pinout it will not take a standard unit because its Proprietary. 


(MT)   13.8” x 6.1” x 10.8” / 35 x 15.4 x 27.4
(SFF)  11.4” x 3.7” x 11.5” / 29.0 x 9.26 x 29.2
(Micro)  7.2” x 1.4” x 7.0” / 18.2 x 3.6 x 17.8

SFX has dimensions of

125 × 100 × 63.5 mm (width × depth × height)



100-BR-0700-K1 rear.pngPSU DIMENSIONS.jpg

1 Rookie


21 Posts

July 10th, 2021 05:00

I could really use dimensions, they don't have a spec sheet for it. 

1 Rookie


21 Posts

July 10th, 2021 05:00

The card is 242 mm long, and I'm most probs using cx750f. I want the psu to be inside the case. 

9 Legend


47K Posts

July 10th, 2021 06:00

Not sure how you fit CX750F inside ANY 3060 due to the amount of room available in the case.

The Moddiy Adapter is NOT optional.

SFX dimensions

125 × 100 × 63.5 mm (width × depth × height)

ATX CX750F has dimensions

150 × 140 × 86  mm (width × depth × height)





1 Rookie


21 Posts

July 10th, 2021 06:00

So it can't fit? Whats a good psu that can? 

1 Rookie


21 Posts

July 10th, 2021 06:00

  • Thank you. Looks like cx750f will fit, it's just 3.5 cm more wide than SFF. Thank you so much I appreciate it. 3060 ti will fit in case right. 

9 Legend


47K Posts

July 11th, 2021 09:00

There are no standard units of ANY size that fit at all.

It may be possible to fit an SFX unit inside HOWEVER it sits in the bottom, must be upside down , has too little room for air flow and requires quite a lot of modification if its going to be permanent. YMMV

Power supply needs to provide 140W -  225W combined on the 3.3v/5v rails and again the Moddiy adapter is not optional.


The other way people did this was to take all the parts and mount them on a board without a case. 

The other reason to talk about SFX is that it allows you to use the bracket as a template should you attempt to modify the case to fit the PSU upside down in the case. There are no tall feet and no vents on the bottom of the dell. So you either make holes OR you flip the PSU around to allow air into the psu.  Otherwise it will FRY and Die due to overheating.  You also have to cut a large hole in the back using the Bracket as a template so the PSU can vent air out the back.



3 Posts

June 1st, 2023 22:00

Of course i even been able to put a 600 watt psu inside mine


 with some help of a zip cut it sitted perfectly

1 Rookie


1 Message

May 6th, 2024 12:53

hi guys. i have a q so i have opitlex 3050 and my gpu is 1050. 1050 doesnt need a power connecter. so im trying to change my 1050 to RX 580 and it needs 8 pin connecter and can you guys recommend a buget PSU for my opitex 3050 and RX 580. Thanks

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