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1 Rookie


7 Posts


June 12th, 2019 22:00

7460 AIO, GeForce 1050, Photoshop CS4, 100% GPU usage

Hi everybody!

I've bought this AIO recently (Dell Optiplex 7460 i7/8gb/256gb ssd/1Tb hdd/gtx1050). Everything looked nice until I installed Photoshop CS4. When I open PS and create a new canvas the fans start to spin faster and it's very noisy. I started to investigate this problem and found that GPU usage of my NVIDIA card is about 30%. No specific operations in PS, just blank canvas (1920x1080 size). If I choose brush tool and start drawing on this canvas the sound of fans increases and the GPU usage raises to 100%. Simple action - drawing with brush and it leads to such GPU overload. I supposed it could be because of something wrong with CS4 Photoshop and Windows 10, but the same thing repeats when I work in Sony Vegas video editor. Even blank project forces the fans to spin crazy.

I tried to update BIOS and graphics card drivers. Also I update chipset drivers. No changes.

So what can it be? Hardware issue or software? What else can I trie before reporting to warranty service?

Thanks in advance!


And one more thing. Even if I don't use any program in Win 10 I can hear fans. I read about it in reviews before and was ready for that. But I thought I would hear a sound of air flow like on my previous laptops. But here besides the sound of air flow I hear something like bearings sound, it's not so loud but clear enough and it's annoying a bit. Is it normal for dell fans or probably it's defective fans?

1 Rookie


7 Posts

June 14th, 2019 00:00

After some tests got to the point that nvidia chip is damaged or cooling eqiupment was installed wrong. When starting graphics tests on this card its temperature raises from 90C to 102C within 10-20 secs and AIO freezes with fans rotating full power.

I consider that as a defective card and going to refund this computer.

Thanks for support.

9 Legend


47K Posts

June 13th, 2019 06:00

Cooling is a problem on all the AIO units.

This user added cooling to address the issue.

You aren't going to get a silent unit.


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