
2 Posts


September 30th, 2021 13:00

7010 desktop adding a GeForce GT 1030


This topic has many comments/threads but I'm suffering a mind block or something...

I have the 7010 i5 quad core in the Desktop size, smaller than the WT, larger than the SFF..

I need to upgrade the video card to run a photo editing program (On1 2022) and am looking at - Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1030 - D4 low profile 2gb card.

(Why this card? It meets or beats the requirements for the program and is cheap...)


2 Posts

September 30th, 2021 16:00

I have noted that the ddr5 is definitely better liked than the ddr4, so I would be leaning d5

9 Legend


47K Posts

October 3rd, 2021 07:00




Please press the blue Accept as Solution button below if this post answers your question.

The Single slot GV-N1030D5-2GL GDDR5 card works fine in ALL dell models EXCEPT USFF and Micro which has no X16 slots.



Gigabyte GV-N1030D4-2GL DDR4 is a horrible card 5X slower than the GDDR5


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