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2 Intern


152 Posts


April 28th, 2023 13:00

3060 processor upgrade options

OptiPlex 3060

OptiPlex 3060

The .lists a number of CPU but they refer to the 5060, not the 3060 which is strange




[edit] had to re-post due to the manual link being wrong



8 Wizard


7.1K Posts

April 28th, 2023 19:00

The 3060 micro specifications calls for 8th gen., 35w CPU.

9 Legend


13.5K Posts

April 28th, 2023 21:00

you caught a Dell documentation error.  they must be copying the 5060 manual to 3060 and forgot to edit out that detail.

The most notable difference between the 3060 line and the 5060/7060 is the chipset. The 3060 uses the slightly less capable Intel H370 chipset while the 5060 and 7060 use the Intel Q370 chipset.  the only meaningful difference is that the 3060 with H370 chipset does NOT support Intel vPro management

3060 micro and 5060 micro coolers are the same.  both use 300 series chipset.  cpu support list is the same.

2 Intern


152 Posts

May 1st, 2023 15:00

after reading this thread I decided on the i5-8400t


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