This post is more than 5 years old
4 Posts
The DNS server isn't responding
I have a dell xps L502X with windows 8. My network adapter was replaced last month. My DHCP is enabled. My DNS Server reads and it's a home/cable/DSL connection so from what I've read that's right. I've set my IPv4 and IPv6 to automatically detect the DNS server and IP address to use. I've tried to reconfigure the computer to the wireless router, but when I go to set up a new network no networks pop up even though many networks pop up for me to connect to on the right of my screen. All of my other devices are connected and working fine. That was the background and what I've tried to fix for my problem. When I try to connect to my home network it says it's a limited connection meaning I have no Internet access. When I run the trouble shooter for the network, Internet connections, and network adapter the only one that has an issue is the network one and the issue is that the DNS server isn't responding. Please help I've tried everything I could find to fix it.
4 Posts
April 7th, 2013 15:00
4 Posts
April 7th, 2013 15:00
Wanted to also add that it further states, "Your computer is trying to use a DNS server that is incorrect or doesn't exist."
9 Legend
9 Legend
30.3K Posts
April 7th, 2013 16:00
Your router is not using Mac Address filtering, is it?
Try reading...
How to repair a connection
and try resetting the winsock catalog
What virus program and firewall are you using?