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1 Rookie


22 Posts


June 24th, 2019 10:00

PowerConnect 6248 fan replacement - required air flow

Dear community,

as my PowerConnect 6248 is located near my workplace, the noise it generates is a bit too much: 60dB(A) without any network links up.

So I've came up with a couple of questions:

  1. What should the max. noise generated by those 4x Sunon 40x40x20 fans inside be? I've heard about a value like 35 dB(A), but in this case those 60 dB(A) would mean, that all four fans are terribly broken...
  2. I'd like to replace them with 4x Sunon MagLev MF fans, because this technology promises far less noise and superiour MTBF (because there's no friction, the rotor itself leviates through magnetism). But what is a good deal between a nice air flow and low noise for the use inside a PC6248 (non PoE)?

To ellaborate a bit further on 2), I have the choice between a few 12V DC fans from the Sunon MagLev MF series (which all feature lead wires, so I can solder them in the DELL-proprietary configuration to the connector):

  • MF40201VX-1000U-G99 with 10,8 CFM/0,302 m³/Min @0,290 in H2O with 27,5 dB(A)
  • MF40201V1-1000U-G99 with 8,9 CFM/0,249 m³/Min @0,220 in H2O with 25,5 dB(A)
  • MF40201V2-1000U-G99 with 7,7 CFM/0,216 m³/Min @0,170 in H2O with 21,0 dB(A)
  • MF40201V3-1000U-G99 with 6,3 CFM/0,176 m³/Min @0,110 in H2O with 16,5 dB(A)

Of course I don't want to just take the most silent, since the cabinet is noise isolated (with 5cm acustic absorber), which will retain a bit heat inside. So cooling should be still somewhat sufficient.

Or what do you think will be fine (the 6248 has a max. consumption of 120W if all links/modules are busy AFAIK) to provide sufficient airflow at low noise?

Thanks in advance and kind regards from Germany




8.9K Posts

June 24th, 2019 12:00


If you figure it out let us know. This is not supported and will void any warranty we have on it, but it does sound like an interesting project.

1 Rookie


22 Posts

June 24th, 2019 13:00

Hey Josh,
well, in this case it will be try and error unless somebody comes up with "some values" to choose an appropriate fan model from the above :)

I'll give it a try and see what I'll get!

Best regards,

4 Posts

June 24th, 2019 13:00

I have 6224/6224 and 7024P/7048P switches, they both use the same type of fans and pinout. I swapped out the fans for a Sunon MagLev, which is about 18dBa and all switches have been running fine for 3+ years in a warm ambient room. I monitor the temperatures, and they are at safe levels. I don't recall the exact model number of my Sunon, but just a note that there are numerous brands with very similar performance (Delta, Nidec, etc...). If you'd like to know the exact part number, let me know and I'll check when I get a chance. 

Note: You do have to change the pins around on the fan header (very easy), and this does void your warranty (me nor Dell will be responsible).

1 Rookie


22 Posts

June 27th, 2019 07:00

Hey, thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Could you provide the part name, because it seems like I actually bought the wrong ones (with only two lead wires), which will result in some red fan LEDs and no monitoring option... :P

I bought MB40201V3-0000-A99 (18 dB(A))

The data sheet explains, that the number followed by the "V" (for Vapo-Bearing) indicates the speed, ranging from "Low" --> 3 to "Superhigh" --> X

So, you should get a S/N with something like a "XX40201V3" for your fans.. (were XX is the two-character series codes, followed by five numbers (first two --> size (40mm), second two --> thickness (20mm), fifth --> Voltage (1 = 12V DC).

By the way - my mistake was to order A99 instead of G99: A99 features auto start after blocking the rotor, while G99 features autostart as well as a 3rd wire (in F-Type config!!! see: Fan 3rd Wire Signal - SUNON)

Looking forward to hearing from you


1 Rookie


22 Posts

June 27th, 2019 08:00

Since my last answer suddenly got lost, I'll just retype it here:
Hey, thank you for sharing your experience.

In order to save other people from the trouble I had, I'd like to emphasize that (since the fans are available in a wide configuration) the right modell needs to be chosen:

According to SUNON, there is a natural key for the parts, which looks like this:



  • AA is the two-character Series Code
  • BB is the two-digit code for the fan size (eg. 40 for a 40mm fan)
  • CC is the two-digit code for the thickness (eg. 20 for a 20mm thick fan)
  • D specifies the DC Voltage (0 = 5V, 1 = 12V, 2 = 24V, 3 = 36V, 4 = 48V)
  • E speciefies the bearing type (V for Vapo, B for Ball, S for Sleeve)
  • F is the speed (4 = "Super Low" decrementing to X --> "Super High"
  • GGGG is a customer code
  • HHH is the function code

So, I accidentally bougth MB40201V3-0000-A99, which is a low noise, vapo (magnetic) bearing 40mm fan - but with the wrong function code (you'll need G99!! in order to have a 3rd wire configured as tacho output, see Fan 3rd signal - SUNON)

So, I'll keep you updated once I got the right model...

Kind regards



1 Rookie


22 Posts

July 27th, 2019 04:00


The correct fans from my distributor arrived today (see picture below). Now I've got the right fans (and also some 3-pin lead wire to 3-pin MOLEX fan header cables to hook them up correctly).

I'll keep you updated once I soldered everything together and re-equipped my PowerConnect.


1 Rookie


22 Posts

August 2nd, 2019 14:00


I finally found a bit of spare time (and a soldering iron) to continue the project.

Make sure you wire the fans correctly: The order is, starting from the 1st port of the 3pin connector (usually has a no. 1 on the part of the case):


Just for your information, normal order of a 3pin fanout is GND 12VDC TACHO...

The results are mixed... The new fans are far quieter, but interestingly they generate a higher frequency buzz, which is also somewhat annoying.

Additionally, after I running "show system" in the elevated CLI (console#), I recognised that the first two fans show a fan failure warning (but are up and running). This could be a broken tacho wire, I'll do some further investigation here. Resoldering might be difficult, I used the "Somewhat-NASA-like"-approach, where you not only place the tinned wires next to each other and re-melt the solder, but hook them together to achieve more tensile strength.

Attached photos show the new fans (bottom line) beside the old DELTA fans (upper line) and how NOT to do the pinout (had to revert my misconfiguration by disassembling the connector).

Best regards



1 Rookie


7 Posts

November 14th, 2023 18:34

@ps2wiz​ Hi, I know it’s an old thread but I can’t find a conclusive answer to this. I have a 7024P and I would like to replace the fans for a quieter pair. My fans are Delta FFB0412SHN


1 Rookie


7 Posts

November 14th, 2023 18:48

Are the Delta fans definitely F00 tach based as I don’t want a red light fan error or errors in the CLI. Can someone please confirm the correct Sunon quiet error free fans to use.


2 Posts

March 13th, 2024 14:43

I'm curious about the Fan situation too.

I recently decided to upgrade my old rag tag collection of home hubs & switches to something a bit more capable, and came across some old 24 & 48 port PowerConnect Switches on a loal Auction site.  So far, they're great to play with, albeit a  bit noisey.

I ended up with 2x 6224's and a 6248 . One of the 6224s runs silently, however the other devices two ae quite audibly noticeable, so I'm considering going down the replacement fan route.

Between the 6224's only difference I can see, appears to be a revision number in the Motherboard.

Does anyone have access to a Technical manual for the motherboard revisions which  may shed some light upon what was changed that gave rise to the quieter running ?

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