
This post is more than 5 years old

3 Posts


February 14th, 2014 08:00

PC 5524 in Stack - they should share the ARP Table?


since we have 02 units in stack by HDMI cable, by default should they share the ARP Table?? Or should we set something?

459 Posts

February 14th, 2014 08:00

Here's how: Stacking Units

PowerConnect 5500 series switches use two HDMI 10G ports for stacking.
To connect the units in the stack:

1 Insert one end of an HDMI cable into the left-hand HDMI port on the
unit at the top of the stack and the other end into the right-hand HDMI
port of the unit immediately below it (this is called crossover).
2 Repeat this process until all units are connected.
3 (Optional) Connect the left-hand HDMI port of the unit at the bottom of
the stack to the right-hand HDMI port of the unit at the top of the stack.
This step provides increased bandwidth and redundancy.

Here is your manual:


read this to clear cache:


3 Posts

February 17th, 2014 03:00


tks for quick reply, our units are phisically connected fine. After read the .PDF document, it´s not clear if the 'ARP Table' will be shared between units.

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