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This post is more than 5 years old


December 14th, 2009 08:00

RPC error: Server can’t decode arguments.

This error is described in the error message guide.

The strange thing is, it only happens with Windows2003/2008 VSS save sets. The +- 30 Windows clients are spread in different groups and the backup-network is balanced over different switches. In the groups, there are different linux and unix backup-clients which backup flawlessly.

After rebooting the server, the backups run without errors for a period of time. The errors pop up after a while.

The customer doesn't want to reboot the server. They want to know what the cause is (event logs show no deviations) and how to prevent this in the future.

VSS ASR DISK:\ 39078:save: RPC error: Server can't decode arguments
VSS ASR DISK:\ 7162:save: save of VSS ASR DISK:\ to failed

This message repeats for the different Windows clients.

Please, point me in a direction so I can resolve this issue.

1 Rookie


14.3K Posts

December 19th, 2009 08:00

Do you get errors only with ASR DISK save sets?  Which NW version is running on clients?

30 Posts

December 21st, 2009 02:00

This error only appeared for VSS save sets.

The customer indicated that all their machines were up to date because of a wsus implementation.

I suggested to look for and install hotfixes related to VSS.

Now, a couple of days later, this seems to solve the issue.

10 Posts

July 18th, 2011 08:00

Hi im getting the same RPC error, but some of them are not ASR disk errors. They have the error;

1)7162:save: save of SYSTEM DB:\ to failed.
:  Failed with error(s)

2) save: save of VSS SYSTEM FILESET:\ to failed.

3) 7162:save: save of VSS ASR DISK:\ to failed.

4) 7162:save: save of VSS SYSTEM SERVICES:\ to failed.

5) save: save of VSS SYSTEM BOOT:\ to failed.

6) 7162:save: save of VSS OTHER:\ to failed
:  Failed with error(s)

I have tried stopping and starting networker services, VSS:*=off. Its been happening over a week.

Any help would be appreciated.

240 Posts

July 18th, 2011 12:00

Here is a list of Microsoft articles that deal with common VSS errors. This is for Windows 2003 and 2008, along with some Exchange issue. I hope this helps.

Windows Server VSS issues:

Below are some articles that should be reviewed by a Windows server administrator. These articles pertain to VSS and possible issues that may occur.

Knowledge base articles - known Windows 2003 VSS issues:

A Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) update package is available for Windows Server 2003 - Last Review: July 2, 2010

Exchange VSS backup fails on an Exchange Server 2003 server - February 20, 2010

Various issues may occur on a Windows Server 2003-based computer that is running the Volume Shadow Copy Service - April 27, 2010 - April 27, 2010

Exchange Server 2003 data backup and Volume Shadow Copy services

Knowledge base articles - known Windows 2008 VSS issues:

VSS snapshot creation may fail after a LUN resynchronization on a computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 - November 25, 2009

Backup fails with VSS Event ID 12292 and 11 on Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 - January 20, 2010

No VSS writers are listed when you run the “vssadmin list writers” command in Windows Server 2008 R2

Windows 2008 R2 64-bit backup failed

General VSS articles to review:

The backup process may fail and a time-out error may occur in Volume Shadow Copy Service writers

Event ID 9840 or 9607 is logged when a VSS backup operation fails in Exchange 2007 or in Exchange 2003

Best Practices for Using Volume Shadow Copy Service with Exchange Server 2003

Error message: "Not enough server storage is available to process this command"


Mark Bellows

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