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November 16th, 2022 12:00

nsrndmp_recover Error the connection has not been authorized

I am getting an error when trying to recover with the Networker user GUI

42597:nsrndmp_recover: connect auth: connection has not been authorized

42610:nsrndmp_recover: The NDMP connection is not successfully authorized on host 

42847:nsrndmp_recover: Not able to connect or authorize the recover host 


I recently set the remote user field with the correct ndmp user account and password as backups were failing after a domain migration. now recovery seems to not be working.

November 21st, 2022 03:00

Possibly and issue that the recovery uses one of the ndmp client definitions that doesn't have the correct credentials set yet, as NDMP recoveries might reference any of the defined NMDP client instances, even one that isn't actively used anymore and might have still incorrect entries.

So try to correct the credentials in all definitions fro that NDMP client, not just the one(s) used for backup that are working fine.

See also KB and stating the same.

I also tend to use "ndmpsup -c [ndmp_client_name]" to validate credentials from the CLI, talking to the NDMP client in question, being able to see it NMDP related configuration, so one doesn't even need to run a backup to validate altered credentials.




2.4K Posts

November 16th, 2022 14:00

I have a guess:

  Assuming that the user/password is stored along with the save stream. In this case, you must use the old values to access the data.


3 Posts

November 17th, 2022 06:00

Thank you for the reply. the password stayed the same so I'm guessing during the migration/upgrade some how the hash for the password may have changed. I had only changed the PW on one client instance after changing it on all of them it has started to back up. Appreciate the assistance!

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