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1 Rookie


4 Posts


March 6th, 2024 17:41

Java JNLP file launch issue

Hello all

I have just setup a NW server and got everything working except


2. Unable to launch Java Login

These two are my remaining issues. I added the server name in the Java Security applet, and even after it fails to launch. I remember there was a fix to this, but i am not sure exactly what was it. Can anyone assist ? Error messages are :


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- $Id$ Copyright (c) 2003-2019 EMC Corporation
All rights reserved.  This is an UNPUBLISHED work, and
comprises proprietary and confidential information of EMC.
Unauthorized use, disclosure, and distribution are strictly
prohibited.  Use, duplication, or disclosure of the software
and documentation by the U.S. Government is subject to
restrictions set forth in a license agreement between the
Government and EMC or other written agreement specifying
the Government's rights to use the software and any applicable
FAR provisions, such as FAR 52.227-19.
<!-- JNLP File for GConsole Application -->
<!-- gstconfig bEgIn DO NOT ALTER THIS LINE -->
href="/gconsole.jnlp?"> <resources arch="amd64">
        <property name="java.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort" value="true"/>
<j2se version="1.8+"  java-vm-args="-Djava.locale.providers=COMPAT -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions  -Xms256m -Xmx2048m"/>
<jar href="/LGTOnmc/java/gwt.jar"/>
<jar href="/LGTOnmc/java/gst.jar"/>
<jar href="/LGTOnmc/java/gwt_res.jar"/>
<jar href="/LGTOnmc/java/comtsk.jar"/>
<jar href="/LGTOnmc/java/postgresql-42.5.1.jar"/>
<jar href="/LGTOnmc/java/jaxp.jar"/>
<jar href="/LGTOnmc/java/jcchart.jar"/>
<jar href="/LGTOnmc/java/jcfield.jar"/>
<jar href="/LGTOnmc/java/jcpagelayout.jar"/>
<jar href="/LGTOnmc/java/forms.jar"/>
<jar href="/LGTOnmc/java/looks.jar"/>
<jar href="/LGTOnmc/java/antlr.jar"/>
<jar href="/LGTOnmc/java/y.jar"/>
<jar href="/LGTOnmc/java/ysvg.jar"/>
<jar href="/LGTOnmc/java/batik.jar"/>
<jar href="/LGTOnmc/java/jide-common.jar"/>
<jar href="/LGTOnmc/java/jide-components.jar"/>
<jar href="/LGTOnmc/java/jide-dock.jar"/>
<jar href="/LGTOnmc/java/ddomain.jar"/>
<jar href="/LGTOnmc/java/ddomain_res.jar"/>
<jar href="/LGTOnmc/java/json-simple-1.1.1.jar"/>
<jar href="/LGTOnmc/java/gconsole.jar"/>
<jar href="/LGTOnmc/java/gconsole_res.jar"/>
<jar href="/LGTOnmc/java/nwadmin.jar"/>
<jar href="/LGTOnmc/java/nwadmin_res.jar"/>
<jar href="/LGTOnmc/java/nwadmin_old.jar"/>
<application-desc main-class="COM.legato.gwt.framework.LMainWindow">
<title>NetWorker Management Console on </title>
<vendor>Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries</vendor>
<homepage href = ""/>
<description>NetWorker Management Console</description>
<!-- gstconfig  eNd  DO NOT ALTER THIS LINE -->
<icon kind="shortcut" type="image/x-icon" href="console.ico"/>

Everything looks like it is working on the server (networker, gst service ) Any help would be appreciated

1 Rookie


4 Posts

March 6th, 2024 17:48

Looks like i was running the wrong version of Java. 64 bit req.

1 Rookie


4 Posts

March 6th, 2024 17:58

Now i am running into a NRE issue. I do not have access to NRE and need the installer. Can anyone assist me with getting the NRE installer ?

4 Operator


1.3K Posts

March 7th, 2024 04:58

You can download NRE from the NetWorker support page. 
And if you are like me with no permission to access the installation files on the support site :(. lets wait if anyone is kind enough to share a copy. 

1 Rookie


4 Posts

March 7th, 2024 15:59

@crazyrov​ yup ! i need the file. I still have java installed, but i get that error and am not able to login. I get the networker login screen now, but when i attempt, i get a "make sure server is running" message (even though it is)

2 Intern


137 Posts

April 22nd, 2024 21:51

what is the issue with NWUI as that does not need java? only NMC does (and the NW server authc service, but that is also what the NRE for the NW server is used for).

So you still had some install package lying around to install nw with? but not the NRE package for on a windows system? at least I assume you intend to run the NMC java applet on a windows system, pointing to the NMC server, running locally on the backup server?

What you added seems to be the contents of the jnlp file, not an actual error? so what does the java console actually mention as error? Also what nw server and NMC version is used and what is the java version you are using, as the NMC client could not start with certain older java sdk versions, which we had no issues with anymore once we started using NRE (latest is 8.0.20).

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